代码正在创建,即赋值前引用的局部变量 'p'

The code is creating i.e. local variable 'p' referenced before assignment

我在 python(2) 中写了一个包含 while 语句的函数。这会造成如下所述的错误。请帮我解决这个错误。提前致谢。


the numbers'll increase in order of 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ex28.py", line 27, in <module>
    numgame(100, 2)
  File "ex28.py", line 20, in numgame
    while p < i:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'p' referenced before assignment


numbers = []
def numgame(i, inc):
    print "the numbers'll increase in order of %r" % inc
    while p < i:
        print "At top is %d" % p
        print "The list is %r" % numbers
        p += inc
        print "The next number to be added to the list is %d" % p

numgame(100, 2)

您需要先用一些值初始化 p,然后才能比较它 p < i:

numbers = []
def numgame(i, inc):
    print "the numbers'll increase in order of %r" % inc
    p = 0                           # initialize p
    while p < i:
        print "At top is %d" % p
        print "The list is %r" % numbers
        p += inc
        print "The next number to be added to the list is %d" % p

numgame(100, 2)