Azure Blob 动态加密

In motion encryption of Azure Blobs

我有一个场景,我需要从一个存储帐户中取出一个 blob(大小超过数 GB)并复制并加密它并将其放入另一个 blob 存储帐户中。看起来我可以通过设置 BlobEncryptionPolicy 并执行 StartCopyAsync 来做到这一点。但是,这需要 Key Vault 访问权限,并且将下载此加密 blob 的系统将无权访问该保管库。我们也无权访问收件人的私钥(因为它是他们的,而不是我们的),所以我们不能只将他们的 .pfx 加载到我们的保管库中。

关闭 table 我不确定还有什么其他选择: 1. 将 blob 下载到云服务的文件系统(或者可能是 azure 文件存储帐户)并对其进行加密。 2. 将加密后的文件上传到目标blob存储账户。 3. 从共享中删除加密文件。


Are there other approaches that may work in this case?

据我所知,azure storage有两个加密。

一个是 server-side encryption,Azure 存储会在保存到存储之前自动加密您的数据,并在检索之前自动解密。加密、解密、密钥管理对用户完全透明

通过这种方式,Azure会在上传到存储服务器时加密你的数据。 当用户想要访问数据时,它会解密数据。



所以如果我们想使用客户端加密,我们需要从 blob 下载文件然后加密并上传到另一个存储帐户。

This is the client-side Encryption without use azure key-value way.


如果你想从 blob 中解密加密的内容,你可以使用 rsa 密钥。



 public class LocalResolver : IKeyResolver
        private Dictionary<string, IKey> keys = new Dictionary<string, IKey>();

        public void Add(IKey key)
            keys[key.Kid] = key;

        public async Task<IKey> ResolveKeyAsync(string kid, CancellationToken token)
            IKey result;

            keys.TryGetValue(kid, out result);

            return await Task.FromResult(result);

上传加密 blob 并下载解密 blob:

  static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Blob encryption sample");

            // Retrieve storage account information from connection string
            // How to create a storage connection string -
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(

            CloudBlobClient client = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlobContainer container = client.GetContainerReference("example");

                int size = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

                Random rand = new Random();

                CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("test");

                // Create the IKey used for encryption.
                RsaKey key = new RsaKey("private:key1");

                // Create the encryption policy to be used for upload.
                BlobEncryptionPolicy uploadPolicy = new BlobEncryptionPolicy(key, null);

                // Set the encryption policy on the request options.
                BlobRequestOptions uploadOptions = new BlobRequestOptions() { EncryptionPolicy = uploadPolicy };

                Console.WriteLine("Uploading the encrypted blob.");

                // Upload the encrypted contents to the blob.
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                    blob.UploadFromStream(stream, size, null, uploadOptions, null);

                // Download the encrypted blob.
                // For downloads, a resolver can be set up that will help pick the key based on the key id.
                LocalResolver resolver = new LocalResolver();

                BlobEncryptionPolicy downloadPolicy = new BlobEncryptionPolicy(null, resolver);

                // Set the decryption policy on the request options.
                BlobRequestOptions downloadOptions = new BlobRequestOptions() { EncryptionPolicy = downloadPolicy };

                Console.WriteLine("Downloading the encrypted blob.");

                // Download and decrypt the encrypted contents from the blob.
                using (MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream())
                    blob.DownloadToStream(outputStream, null, downloadOptions, null);

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit");


此外,复制 blob 操作只是在服务器端将字节从源复制到目标。所以它不会在服务器复制文件时对其进行加密。