在 运行 时向控制台方法添加动态值,并完整保留原始调用位置和行号

Add dynamic values to the console methods at run-time with preservation of original call position and line number intact

我做了以下 class 到 'hijack' console.log 函数。这背后的原因是我想添加和删除值 动态地。它将用于调试目的,因此 函数调用的来源 console.log() 很重要。在下面的代码中,我将在评论中解释我的逻辑。

export class ConsoleLog {
  private _isActive = false;
  private _nativeLogFn: any;

  constructor() {

    // ----------------------
    // Store the native console.log function, so it can be restored later 
    // ----------------------

    this._nativeLogFn = console.log;


  public start() {
    if (!this._isActive) {

      // ----------------------
      // Create a new function as replacement for the native console.log 
      // function. *** This will be the subject of my question ***
      // ----------------------

      console.log = console.log.bind(console, Math.random());

      this._isActive = true;

  public stop() {
    if (this._isActive) {
      // Restore to native function
      console.log = this._nativeLogFn;
      this._isActive = false;


// Function random() generates a number at the moment I assign the function. 
// Let's say it's the number *99* for example sake. 

console.log.bind(console, Math.random());

每次调用console.log(...),都会输出99。所以它几乎是静态的。 (在你之前:不,我的目标不是输出随机数,大声笑,但我只是用它来测试输出是否是动态的。)。

烦人的部分是,将函数与 console.log.bind 是我发现实际保留的唯一方法 原始呼叫者和线路号码。


    console.log('Before call, active?', 'no'); // native log

    obj.start();  // Calls start and replaces the console.log function

    console.log('foo'); // This will output 'our' 99 to the console.
    console.log('bar'); // This will output 'our' 99 again.

    obj.stop(); // Here we restore the native console.log function

    console.log('stop called, not active'); // native log again

    // Now if I call it again, the random number has changed. What is 
    // logical, because I re-assign the function.

    obj.start();  // Calls start and replaces the console.log function
    console.log('foo'); // This will output N to the console.
    // But then I have to call start/log/stop all the time. 

问题:如何在 运行 时向 console.log 添加值而不丢失原始调用者文件名和行号......并且没有一旦这个 class 使用 start() 启动,就会打扰图书馆消费者。

EDIT: Added a plkr: https://embed.plnkr.co/Zgrz1dRhSnu6OCEUmYN0


const consolelog = console.log;
console.log = function (...args) {
    return consolelog.apply(this, [Math.random()].concat(args));

请注意,函数中的 this 不是 您的 class.
的实例 该函数是一个常规的匿名函数而不是箭头函数,因此函数范围将取决于执行。



console.log = function (...args) {
    return consolelog(Math.random(), ...args);



function fn() {
    return Math.random();
fn.valueOf = function () {
    return this();
console.log = consolelog.bind(console, fn);

然后这个:console.log("message") 将输出如下内容:

function 0.4907970049205219 "message"

有正确的来电者,但我无法删除开头的 function 部分。

function fn() {
    return Math.random();
fn.toString = function () {
    return this().toString();
console.log = consolelog.bind(console, "%s", fn);

然后这个:console.log("message") 将输出:

0.9186478227998554 message



花费了我大部分的周末时间和大量的阅读和摆弄,但我最终利用 ES6 代理对象解决了它。我可能会添加非常强大的东西。解释在代码中。请不要犹豫,改进它或提出问题。

(根据@Bergi 的评论编辑) 这是 class:

export class ConsoleLog {
  private _isActive = false;
  private _nativeConsole: any;
  private _proxiedConsole: any;

   * The Proxy constructor takes two arguments, an initial Object that you
   * want to wrap with the proxy and a set of handler hooks.
   * In other words, Proxies return a new (proxy) object which wraps the
   * passed in object, but anything you do with either effects the other.
   * ref: https://www.keithcirkel.co.uk/metaprogramming-in-es6-part-3-proxies
   * ref: http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_proxies.html#_intercepting-method-calls

   * Challenge:
   * When we intercept a method call via a proxy, you can intercept the
   * operation 'get' (getting property values) and you can intercept the
   * operation 'apply' (calling a function), but there is no single operation
   * for method calls that you could intercept. That’s why we need to treat
   * them as two separate operations:
   * First 'get' to retrieve a function, then an 'apply' to call that
   * function. Therefore intercepting 'get' and return a function that
   * executes the function 'call'.

  private _createProxy(originalObj: Object) {

    const handler = {

       * 'get' is the trap-function.
       * It will be invoked instead of the original method.
       * e.a. console.log() will call: get(console, log) {}
      get(target: object, property: string) {

         * In this case, we use the trap as an interceptor. Meaning:
         * We use this proxy as a sort of pre-function call.
         * Important: This won't get invoked until a call to a the actual
         * method is made.

         * We grab the native method.
         * This is the native method/function of your original/target object.
         * e.a. console.log = console['log'] = target[property]
         * e.a. console.info = console['info'] = target[property]
        const nativeFn: Function = target[property];

         * Here we bind the native method and add our dynamic content
        return nativeFn.bind(
          this, `%cI have dynamic content: ${Math.random()}`, 'color:' +
          ' #f00;'
    return new Proxy(originalObj, handler);

  constructor() {
    // Store the native console.log function so we can put it back later
    this._nativeConsole = console;
    // Create a proxy for the console Object
    this._proxiedConsole = this._createProxy(console);

  // ----------------------
  // (Public) methods
  // ----------------------

  public start() {
    if (!this._isActive) {
       * Replace the native console object with our proxied console object.
      console = <Console>this._proxiedConsole;
      this._isActive = true;

  public stop() {
    if (this._isActive) {
      // Restore to native console object
      console = <Console>this._nativeConsole;
      this._isActive = false;


const c: ConsoleLog = new ConsoleLog();

console.log('Hi, I am a normal console.log', ['hello', 'world']);

c.start(); // Start - replaces the console with the proxy

console.log('Hi, I am a proxied console.log');
console.log('I have dynamic content added!');
console.log('My source file and line number are also intact');

c.stop(); // Stop - replaces the proxy back to the original.

console.log('I am a normal again');


如果您希望动态绑定您的函数,您可以在每次访问 .log 属性 时执行此操作。一个简单的 getter 就足够了,不需要使用 ES6 代理:

export class ConsoleLog {
  constructor(message) {
    this._isActive = false;
    const nativeLog = console.log;
    Object.defineProperty(console, "log", {
      get: () => {
        if (this._isActive)
          return nativeLog.bind(console, message())
        return nativeLog;
      configurable: true
  start() {
    this._isActive = true;
  stop() {
    this._isActive = false;

new ConsoleLog(Math.random).start();

此答案展示了如何使用代理和 Object.bind 将参数注入现有 (object/API) 的函数。


// targetName is the name of the window object you want to inject arguments
// returns an injector object.
function injector(targetName){
    const injectors = {};  // holds named injector functions
    const _target = window[targetName];  // shadow of target
    const proxy = new Proxy(_target, {
        get: function(target, name) {
            if (typeof injectors[name] === "function" &&
                typeof _target[name] === "function") {  // if both _target and injector a function 
                return _target[name].bind(_target, ...injectors[name]()); 
            return _target[name];
    return {
        enable () { window[targetName] = proxy; return this },
        disable () { window[targetName] = _target },
        injector (name, func) { injectors[name] = func },


// Example argument injector.
// Injector functions returns an array of arguments to inject
const logInfo = {
    count : 0,
    counter () { return ["ID : " + (logInfo.count++) + ":"] },
    mode(){ return ["App closing"] },


// Create an injector for console
const consoleInjector = injector("console");


// Enable consoleInjector and add injector function.
consoleInjector.enable().injector("log", logInfo.counter);
console.log("testA"); // >> ID : 0: testA VM4115:29 
console.log("testB"); // >> ID : 1: testB VM4115:31 

// Replace existing injector function with another one.
consoleInjector.injector("log",logInfo.mode);  // change the injector function
console.log("testC");  // >> App closing testC VM4115:34 
console.log("testD",1,2,3,4); // App closing testD 1 2 3 4 VM4115:35 

// Turn off console.log injector

// or/and turns off injector and return console  to normal
console.log("testE"); // testE  VM4115:42