findstr 没有找到 "NOW"

findstr does not find "NOW"

我对 findstr 没有太多经验,但这对我来说根本无法理解。还是findstr的bug?


1) echo NOW|findstr "CLEAN NOCHANGE NOW">NUL&&echo found return 没什么 但是为什么?

2) echo CLEAN|findstr "CLEAN NOCHANGE NOW">NUL&&echo found return找到这里就可以了

3) echo NOCHANGE|findstr "CLEAN NOCHANGE NOW">NUL&&echo found return 发现这也有效

但是当我使用 /I 时它有效
4) echo NOW|findstr /I "CLEAN NOCHANGE NOW">NUL&&echo found -> return 发现没问题

如果 'now' 是小写 -> 它有效
5) echo now|findstr "CLEAN NOCHANGE now">NUL&&echo 找到 -> return 找到

字符串 "NOW" 有什么特别之处吗?

根据线程Why doesn't this FINDSTR example with multiple literal search strings find a match?, findstr does not behave correctly when having multiple literal case-sensitive search strings, which are of different lengths and partially overlapping. Reference also this post: What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command?


echo NOW| findstr /R "CLEAN NOCHANGE NOW" > nul && echo found

下面是对每个文字搜索字符串使用单独的 findstr 命令的解决方法:

echo NOW| (findstr /V "CLEAN" | findstr /V "NOCHANGE" | findstr /V "NOW") > nul || echo found

这是另一个基于 findstr 的小兄弟的解决方法,即 find 命令:

echo NOW| (find /V "CLEAN" | find /V "NOCHANGE" | find /V "NOW") > nul || echo found