动态填充多维 awk 数组

Dynamically populate multidimensional awk array

我正在编写一个 Awk/Gawk 脚本来解析文件,为每一行填充一个多维数组。第一列是句点分隔的字符串,每个值都是对下一级数组键的引用。第二列是数值


$ echo -e "personal.name.first\t= John\npersonal.name.last\t= Doe\npersonal.other.dob\t= 05/07/87\npersonal.contact.phone\t= 602123456\npersonal.contact.email\t= john.doe@idk\nemployment.jobs.1\t= Company One\nemployment.jobs.2\t= Company Two\nemployment.jobs.3\t= Company Three"
personal.name.first     = John
personal.name.last      = Doe
personal.other.dob      = 05/07/87
personal.contact.phone  = 602123456
personal.contact.email  = john.doe@idk
employment.jobs.1       = Company One
employment.jobs.2       = Company Two
employment.jobs.3       = Company Three


data["personal"]["name"]["first"]     = "John"
data["personal"]["name"]["last"]      = "Doe"
data["personal"]["other"]["dob"]      = "05/07/87"
data["personal"]["contact"]["phone"]  = "602123456"
data["personal"]["contact"]["email"]  = "john.doe@foo.com"
data["employment"]["jobs"]["1"]       = Company One
data["employment"]["jobs"]["2"]       = Company Two
data["employment"]["jobs"]["3"]       = Company Three


我找到了 this SO thread that covers a similar issue, which was resolved by using the SUBSEP 变量,起初看起来它可以按我的需要工作,但经过一些测试后,它看起来 arr["foo", "bar"] = "baz" 并没有像真正的数组一样被对待,比如正如 arr["foo"]["bar"] = "baz" 那样。我的意思的一个例子是无法计算数组任何级别的值:arr["foo", "bar"] = "baz"; print length(arr["foo"]) 只会打印一个 0(零)

我发现 this SO thread 有点帮助,可能为我指明了正确的方向。



  a="Red" x "Green" x "Blue"
  b="Yellow" x "Cyan" x "Purple"

  Colors[1][0] = ""
  Colors[2][0] = ""

  split(a, Colors[1], x)
  split(b, Colors[2], x)

  print Colors[2][3]

非常接近,但我现在遇到的问题是需要动态指定键(例如:RedGreen 等),并且可能有一个或多个键。

基本上,我如何获取 a_keysb_keys 字符串,将它们拆分为 .,并将 ab 变量填充为多维数组?..


  # How can I take these strings...
  a_keys = "Red.Green.Blue"
  b_keys = "Yellow.Cyan.Purple"

  # .. And populate the array, just as this does:
  a="Red" x "Green" x "Blue"
  b="Yellow" x "Cyan" x "Purple"

  Colors[1][0] = ""
  Colors[2][0] = ""

  split(a, Colors[1], x)
  split(b, Colors[2], x)

  print Colors[2][3]



BEGIN { FS="\t= " }
    data[d[1]][d[2]][d[3]] = 


$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS="\t= " }
    data[d[1]][d[2]][d[3]] = 
    for (x in data)
        for (y in data[x])
            for (z in data[x][y])
                print x, y, z, "->", data[x][y][z]

$ awk -f tst.awk file
personal other dob -> 05/07/87
personal name first -> John
personal name last -> Doe
personal contact email -> john.doe@idk
personal contact phone -> 602123456
employment jobs 1 -> Company One
employment jobs 2 -> Company Two
employment jobs 3 -> Company Three

以上内容当然是特定于 gawk 的,因为没有其他 awk 支持真正的多维数组。

当索引并不总是具有相同的深度(例如上面的 3)时填充多维数组,它相当复杂:

$ cat tst.awk
function rec_populate(a,idxs,curDepth,maxDepth,tmpIdxSet) {
    if ( tmpIdxSet ) {
        delete a[SUBSEP]                # delete scalar a[]
        tmpIdxSet = 0
    if (curDepth < maxDepth) {
        # We need to ensure a[][] exists before calling populate() otherwise
        # inside populate() a[] would be a scalar, but then we need to delete
        # a[][] inside populate() before trying to create a[][][] because
        # creating a[][] below creates IT as scalar. SUBSEP used arbitrarily.

        if ( !( (idxs[curDepth] in a) && (SUBSEP in a[idxs[curDepth]]) ) ) {
            a[idxs[curDepth]][SUBSEP]   # create array a[] + scalar a[][]
            tmpIdxSet = 1
    else {
        a[idxs[curDepth]] = 

function populate(arr,str,sep,  idxs) {

{ populate(arr,,",") }

END { walk_array(arr, "arr") }

function walk_array(arr, name,      i)
    # Mostly copied from the following URL, just added setting of "sorted_in":
    #   https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/Walking-Arrays.html
    PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"
    for (i in arr) {
        if (isarray(arr[i]))
            walk_array(arr[i], (name "[" i "]"))
            printf("%s[%s] = %s\n", name, i, arr[i])


$ cat file
a uno
b,c dos
d,e,f tres_wan
d,e,g tres_twa
d,e,h,i,j cinco

$ awk -f tst.awk file
arr[a] = uno
arr[b][c] = dos
arr[d][e][f] = tres_wan
arr[d][e][g] = tres_twa
arr[d][e][h][i][j] = cinco

没有真正的 multidim 数组,你可以做更多的簿记工作

awk -F'\t= ' '{split(,k,"."); 
               k1[k[1]]; k2[k[2]]; k3[k[3]]; 
          END {for(i1 in k1) 
                 for(i2 in k2)
                   for(i3 in k3) 
                     if((i1,i2,i3) in v) 
                       print i1,i2,i3," -> ",v[i1,i2,i3]}' file

personal other dob  ->  05/07/87
personal name first  ->  John
personal name last  ->  Doe
personal contact email  ->  john.doe@idk
personal contact phone  ->  602123456
employment jobs 1  ->  Company One
employment jobs 2  ->  Company Two
employment jobs 3  ->  Company Three