有没有办法只使用 Google 街景 API 而 return "side view"?

Is there a way to use the Google Street View API and only return "side view"?



现在我一直在用罗盘明确测量每条街道的航向参数,这让我可以获得侧视图图像,但这不是可扩展的。 Google Street View 是否有办法以某种方式设置此 "side view" 布尔值,或者是否存在可以动态 return 某个位置的所需航向以实现侧视图的现有实现?这似乎是一个常见的用法 case/requirment 所以必须有一种方法可以做到这一点,而不是手动为每个地址手动设置标题。

到目前为止,这是我的代码,你可以看到我正在为街景请求设置一个 "heading" 参数(这是一个介于 0 和 360 之间的数字),但我不想必须每次都手动执行此操作..

import urllib, os

myloc = "/Users/me/Desktop" 
key = "&key=" + "MYKEY" 

def GetStreet(Add,SaveLoc):
  base = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=1200x800&heading=3&location="
  MyUrl = base + Add + key
  fi = Add + ".jpg"
  urllib.urlretrieve(MyUrl, os.path.join(SaveLoc,fi))

Tests = []

for sampleAddress in range(488, 1501, 30):
  Tests.append(str(sampleAddress) + " Eighth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101")

for i in Tests:

您可以从 Google 地图 Javascript API v3 StreetViewPov[=13] 中获取有关相机指向的位置(汽车行驶的方向)的信息=]

StreetViewPov object specification
google.maps.StreetViewPov object specification
A point of view object which specifies the camera's orientation at the Street View panorama's position. The point of view is defined as heading and pitch.


heading | Type: number
The camera heading in degrees relative to true north. True north is 0°, east is 90°, south is 180°, west is 270°.
pitch | Type: number
The camera pitch in degrees, relative to the street view vehicle. Ranges from 90° (directly upwards) to -90° (directly downwards).

(遗憾的是,此信息在街景图像中不可用 API metadata