哪个数据库驱动程序将 DbVisualizer 与 Azure SQL 一起使用?

Which DB driver to use DbVisualiser with Azure SQL?

我之前使用过 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio here with Azure SQL here but I want to try DbVis (a platform independent alternative). I am trying DbVis in OSX. I could find JDBC driver for SQL Server here,但不确定这是否需要在 OSX.[=23= 中将 DbVis 与 Azure SQL 一起使用]

我需要哪个驱动程序select才能连接到 DbVis 中的 Azure SQL?

试用 1。管理员凭据错误

The settings are

  • Server name myDB.database.windows.net as Database URL
  • Azure SQL admin as Database userid
  • Azure SQL password as Database Password

by which the error such that

An error occurred while establishing the connection:
The selected Driver cannot handle the specified Database URL.
The most common reason for this error is that the database URL
contains a syntax error preventing the driver from accepting it.
The error also occurs when trying to connect to a database
with the wrong driver. Correct this and try again.


  1. 连接到 Azure SQL 在 DB Vis 下 Ubuntu here(Q&A 线程)

  2. 在 Db Vis 中连接到 Azure 管理数据 here(一些文章)

  3. Db Vis 中的 Ticket 请求连接到 Azure 的说明 SQL Db Vis 中的 dbs here.

据此here,Db Vis 未正式支持 Azure:

Note that Azure is not an officially supported Database in DbVisualizer. Having said that we do have customers running DbVisualizer against Azure.

You can connect using the Jtds bundled driver or the bundled SQL Server (Microsoft) driver.

You might need to connect using SSH as described in http://confluence.dbvis.com/display/UG95/Using+an+SSH+Tunnel

op 已经尝试过 JTDS 驱动程序,但显然它与 JTDS 捆绑驱动程序有某种不同?正在与支持人员进一步讨论。


我对 DBVisualizer/jTDS 驱动程序没有任何问题。

据我所知,第一个错误仅表示您的连接字符串有误,我建议您打开 Azure 管理门户并从那里复制相应的 jdbc 连接字符串。 第二个错误表明您无法在数据库 URL 模式下 ping 服务器,切换到服务器信息模式,然后就可以了。