约束不起作用的 OVal 激活规则

OVal activation rules for constraints not working

我正在尝试按照他们的 documentation 实施 OVal 的激活规则,但似乎 运行 遇到了问题 找到变量 我' m 用于比较。不幸的是,除了他们文档中的一小部分之外,网上没有太多关于该主题的内容。

我要解决的问题的另一部分是使用 @Guarded 注释使它也适用于 构造函数验证 。这在没有我对 的回答中描述的约束规则的情况下工作正常,但当我在 JavaScript[ 中添加激活规则时却不行=52=].

3.4. Declaring activation rules for constraints

public class BusinessObject
    private String fieldA;

    @NotNull(when = "groovy:_this.fieldA != null")
    private String fieldB;

我已经尝试了 JS 和 groovy,并尝试了使用和不使用 _this。删除它会导致:ReferenceError: "someString" is not defined 所以我假设他们在文档中列出的方式是正确的,但我遗漏了一些东西。


public class BusinessObject {
    private String fieldA;

    //@NotNull(when = "groovy:_this.fieldA != null") //works for public & private
    @NotNull(when = "javascript:_this.fieldA != null") //only works when fieldA is public
    private String fieldB;

    public BusinessObject(){}

    public BusinessObject(String fieldA, String fieldB) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;
        this.fieldB = fieldB;


public class BusinessObjectConstructorValidation {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;

    public BusinessObjectConstructorValidation(
            String fieldA,
            @NotNull(when = "groovy:_this.fieldA != null") String fieldB) {

        this.fieldA = fieldA;
        this.fieldB = fieldB;


public class BusinessObjectTest {

    public void fieldANullFieldBNotValidatedNoViolations() {
        BusinessObject businessObject = new BusinessObject(null, null);
        Validator validator = new Validator();

    //This test will fail if the fields are private and using javascript
    //If it's public or using groovy it passes
    public void fieldANotNullFieldBValidatedViolationsSizeIsOne() {
        BusinessObject businessObject = new BusinessObject("A", null);
        Validator validator = new Validator();
        List<ConstraintViolation> errors = validator.validate(businessObject);
        assertThat(errors.size(), is(1));

    public void fieldANullFieldBNotNullNoViolations() {
        BusinessObject businessObject = new BusinessObject(null, "B");
        Validator validator = new Validator();

我不确定为什么 JavaScript 版本与 groovy 版本的行为不同,尝试更改我能想到的所有组合,包括:_this.fieldA__this.fieldAwindow.fieldAfieldA__fieldA

更新 JavaScript 似乎适用于私有字段,只要它具有 public getter.

我已经通过执行以下操作并切换到 groovy 而不是 developer 所建议的 JavaScript 来解决问题。

The JavaScript Engine Rhino cannot directly access private fields. E.g. something like "javascript:_this.myPrivateField != null && _this.myPrivateField.length > 10" will always return false, no matter the value of the private field. Rhino apparently does not raise an exception if it cannot access the private field.

I would recommend you to use groovy instead of javascript for constraint activation. For most scripting runtimes (including JavaScript) the statement _this.someVariable will result in the invocation of the _this.getSomeVariable() getter and not in a direct access of a private field with the same name.

在我的代码示例的第一行中,如果您要验证的对象有任何 public getter 方法,则 (checkInvariants = false) 是必需的,否则它将导致 WhosebugError

不幸的是,按照我在问题中发布的方式在构造函数中添加验证不起作用。因此,为了解决这个问题,我需要将验证添加到字段中,并将 @PostValidateThis 注释添加到构造函数中。

示例 Pojo 在调用构造函数后使用验证。

@Guarded(checkInvariants = false)// removing this results in WhosebugError
public class User {
    private final String firstName;
    private final String lastName;
    @NotNull(when = "groovy:_this.lastName != null")
    private final Integer age;

    public User(String firstName, String lastName, Integer age) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = age;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public Integer getAge() {
        return age;


public class UserTest {
    public void userValidParamsNoException() throws Exception {
        User user = new User("foo","bar",123);
        assertThat(user, is(not(nullValue())));
        assertThat(user.getFirstName(), is("foo"));
        assertThat(user.getLastName(), is("bar"));
        assertThat(user.getAge(), is(123));

    public void userLastNameNullNoException() throws Exception {
        User user = new User("foo",null, null);
        assertThat(user, is(not(nullValue())));
        assertThat(user.getFirstName(), is("foo"));

    @Test(expected = ConstraintsViolatedException.class)
    public void userLastNameNotNullAgeNullThrowsException() throws Exception {
        User user = new User("foo","bar", null);