将光线投射算法用于具有 latitude/longitude 坐标的多边形中的点测试

Using a Raycasting Algorithm for Point-In-Polygon test with latitude/longitude coordinates

我已经成功地使用 DotSpatial.Contains 函数来测试我的每个点 (180 万) 是否在我的 shapefile 中。但是,该算法非常慢,因为我正在针对大量点和非常复杂的多边形进行测试。这是一个例子: http://picload.org/image/igararl/pointshapesel.png


在为空间 latitude/longitude 坐标寻找更快的多边形点测试时,我遇到了光线投射算法: http://alienryderflex.com/polygon/

我将代码翻译成 VB.Net,它运行时没有错误,但它没有找到 points/shapefile 的任何交集。我知道 lat/long 坐标的困难 - 但在德国地区,lat/long 坐标与标准笛卡尔坐标系匹配。


Public polyCorners As Integer
Public polyX() As Double
Public polyY() As Double
Public xP, yP As Double
Public constant() As Double
Public multiple() As Double

然后我将我的 Shapefile 顶点添加到 polyCorners 列表中(这有效):

  Dim ShapefilePoly As Shapefile = Shapefile.OpenFile(TextBox4.Text)
    Dim x As Long = 1
    For Each MyShapeRange As ShapeRange In ShapefilePoly.ShapeIndices
        For Each MyPartRange As PartRange In MyShapeRange.Parts
            For Each MyVertex As Vertex In MyPartRange
                If MyVertex.X > 0 AndAlso MyVertex.Y > 0 Then
                    pointsShape.Add(New PointLatLng(MyVertex.Y, MyVertex.X))
                    ReDim Preserve polyY(x)
                    ReDim Preserve polyX(x)
                    polyY(x) = MyVertex.Y
                    polyX(x) = MyVertex.X
                    x = x + 1
                End If
    ReDim constant(x)
    ReDim multiple(x)

在实际搜索之前,我按照作者的建议调用 precalc_values():

    Private Sub precalc_values()

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = polyCorners - 1

    For i = 0 To polyCorners - 1
        If polyY(j) = polyY(i) Then
            constant(i) = polyX(i)
            multiple(i) = 0
            constant(i) = polyX(i) - (polyY(i) * polyX(j)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i)) + (polyY(i) * polyX(i)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i))
            multiple(i) = (polyX(j) - polyX(i)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i))
        End If
        j = i
End Sub

最后,我为每个 lat/lng 点调用 pointInPolygon():

Function LiesWithin(latP As Double, lngP As Double) As Boolean
    LiesWithin = False
    xP = lngP
    yP = latP
    If pointInPolygon() = True Then LiesWithin = True
End Function

Private Function pointInPolygon() As Boolean

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = polyCorners - 1
    Dim oddNodes As Boolean = False

    For i = 0 To polyCorners - 1
        If (polyY(i) < yP AndAlso polyY(j) >= yP OrElse polyY(j) < yP AndAlso polyY(i) >= yP) Then
            oddNodes = oddNodes Xor (yP * multiple(i) + constant(i) < xP)
        End If
        j = i

    Return oddNodes
End Function

所有变量似乎都正确填充,数组包含我的多边形角点,并且从第一个点到最后一个点都准确地检查了点列表。它是 运行 在 20 秒内完成 180 万个点的完整列表(相比之下,使用 DotSpatial.Contains 函数需要 1 小时 30 分钟)。任何人都知道为什么它找不到任何相交点?

好吧,我发现问题的速度比预期的要快: 我忘了将 Shapefile 顶点的数量分配给 polyCorners。 在我上面的代码中,只需在

之后添加 polyCorners = x
   ReDim constant(x)
   ReDim multiple(x)
   polyCorners = x
