
Notification hub registrations getting deleted

我们正在使用通知中心向 android 台设备发送通知。


它们可能是无效注册,但看起来肯定是 Azure 在幕后做了一些事情来删除这些。


正如Notification Hubs Registration Management提到的什么是设备注册

It is important to note that registrations are transient. Similar to the PNS handles that they contain, registrations expire. You can set the time to live for a registration on the Notification Hub, up to a maximum of 90 days. This limit means that they must be periodically refreshed, and also that they should not be the only store for important information. This automatic expiration also simplifies cleanup when your mobile application is uninstalled.

此外,来自 Azure 通知中心的推送通知:常见问题。

Notification Hubs cleans the registrations as it receives PNS feedback about expired or invalid registrations.