
how to provide ignore regex for sublimerge?

我希望能够为使用 sublimerge 创建 diff 时忽略的文本提供正则表达式。这可能吗?

来自 sublimerge 的作者 Borys:

Please take a look at http://www.sublimerge.com/sm3/docs/configuration.html#default-settings-diff-algorithm - there is a „intraline_unimportant_regexps” setting that should do what you want, however this is not a live setting so it requires the diff to be re-processed.

在 sublimerge3 (2?) 中,右键单击上下文菜单的 "sublimerge" 部分有一个 "Recompare buffers" 选项(当您查看差异时)。 F5 也将重新处理差异。

请注意,目前这只会更改 "unimportant" 差异的突出显示,当您 'go to next diff' 时它们仍然会出现。