确定 FamilyInstance 在 View 中是否可见

Determine is a FamilyInstance is visible in a View

我有一个 FamilyInstance pFam 和一个 Autodesk.Revit.DB.View pView。我想知道 pFampView 中是否可见。我试过使用

if (pFam.IsHidden(pView)

不幸的是,这只告诉我该元素是否应该被隐藏,但事实并非如此。但是,该元素在每个 View 中都不可见,在这种情况下,我希望(或者更确切地说不希望)发生某些事情。 FamilyInstances 没有 VisibleIsVisible 属性...有谁知道处理这些情况的方法吗?


我发现了解元素在视图中是否可见的最可靠方法是使用特定于该视图的 FilteredElementCollector。有许多不同的方法可以控制元素的可见性,因此尝试以任何其他方式确定这一点是不切实际的。


public static bool IsElementVisibleInView([NotNull] this View view, [NotNull] Element el)
        if (view == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(view));

        if (el == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(el));

        // Obtain the element's document
        Document doc = el.Document;

        ElementId elId = el.Id;

        // Create a FilterRule that searches for an element matching the given Id
        FilterRule idRule = ParameterFilterRuleFactory.CreateEqualsRule(new ElementId(BuiltInParameter.ID_PARAM), elId);
        var idFilter = new ElementParameterFilter(idRule);

        // Use an ElementCategoryFilter to speed up the search, as ElementParameterFilter is a slow filter
        Category cat = el.Category;
        var catFilter = new ElementCategoryFilter(cat.Id);

        // Use the constructor of FilteredElementCollector that accepts a view id as a parameter to only search that view
        // Also use the WhereElementIsNotElementType filter to eliminate element types
        FilteredElementCollector collector =
            new FilteredElementCollector(doc, view.Id).WhereElementIsNotElementType().WherePasses(catFilter).WherePasses(idFilter);

        // If the collector contains any items, then we know that the element is visible in the given view
        return collector.Any();


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