Python rauth - POST 请求有效吗?

Python rauth - do POST requests work?

我有一个使用 python2.7 和 rauth 与 etrade api.


获取 etrade 验证令牌并设置授权会话有效,我可以像这样成功执行 GET 访问:

url = ''
response  = session.get(url, params = {'format': 'json'}, header_auth=True)

我对 POST 访问完全没有任何成功,尽管进行了大量搜索,但仍未找到显示 post 与 rauth 一起使用的示例。我正在尝试:

url = ''

id ='%y%m%d%H%M')+ticker

payload = {
    "PlaceEquityOrder": {
        "-xmlns": "",
        "EquityOrderRequest": {
            "accountId": account,
            "clientOrderId": id,
            "limitPrice": "",
            "quantity": qty,
            "symbol": ticker,
            "orderAction": "BUY",
            "priceType": "MARKET",
            "marketSession": "REGULAR",
            "orderTerm": "GOOD_FOR_DAY"

response =, payload, header_auth=True)

我从 etrade 得到的回复是:

   'cookies':<RequestsCookieJar   [  

   ]   >,
   '_content':'<Error>\n  <message>oauth_problem=signature_invalid</message>\n</Error>',
      'Expires':'Sat, 21 May 1995 12:00:00 GMT',
      'Keep-Alive':'timeout=60, max=400',
      'Cache-Control':'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
      'Date':'Wed, 17 May 2017 15:16:42 GMT',
      'WWW-Authenticate':'OAuth realm=,oauth_problem=signature_invalid'
   'url':   u'',
   'request':<PreparedRequest   [  
   ]   >,
   'connection':<requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter object at 0x7f3187f71790>,
   149246   ),
   'raw':<requests.packages.urllib3.response.HTTPResponse object at 0x7f3186c7ab90>,


我假设我对 POST 请求做错了什么,但是 rauth 库是否可能没有向 POST 请求添加身份验证内容?

好吧,我没有深入了解失败的 rauth POST 请求,但我找到了替代解决方案。

我正在使用来自 etradePythonApi 的 etrade 访问函数 (, with the exception that I stripped out the splinter & pyvirtualdisplay code that was attempting to scrape/insert login details into the etrade verification page, and instead replaced it with the oob code from ethann's answer on this page:

直接使用请求而不是通过 rauth 包装器,一切都运行良好,这似乎证实了 POST 请求没有在 rauth 中获得 Oauth 祝福。

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