按用户 id(或具有许多可能值的类似唯一键)过滤 datadog 数据
Filter datadog data by user id (or a similar, unique key with many possible values)
Graphing Primer and Getting started with tags – Datadog建议Tags是过滤数据的方式,但后面的文章告诫:
Please don't include endlessly growing tags in your metrics, like timestamps or user ids. Please limit each metric to 1000 tags.
那么,如果我想按用户 ID 过滤,不使用标签怎么办?
"Please don't include endlessly growing tags in your metrics, like timestamps or user ids. Please limit each metric to 1000 tags."
"By default customers are allotted 100 custom metrics per host across their entire infrastructure rather than on a per-host basis. For example if you were licensed for 3 hosts, you would have 300 custom metrics by default - these 300 metrics may be divided equally amongst each individual host, or all 300 metrics could be sent from a single host."
在配置您当前的自定义指标分配 metrics/tags 以及可能产生的任何计费影响时,您需要牢记这一点。也就是说,如果拥有这些标签对您的团队很重要,请联系 support@datadoghq.com,我们可以与销售团队同步以确定最适合您的团队和用例的内容。
Graphing Primer and Getting started with tags – Datadog建议Tags是过滤数据的方式,但后面的文章告诫:
Please don't include endlessly growing tags in your metrics, like timestamps or user ids. Please limit each metric to 1000 tags.
那么,如果我想按用户 ID 过滤,不使用标签怎么办?
"Please don't include endlessly growing tags in your metrics, like timestamps or user ids. Please limit each metric to 1000 tags."
"By default customers are allotted 100 custom metrics per host across their entire infrastructure rather than on a per-host basis. For example if you were licensed for 3 hosts, you would have 300 custom metrics by default - these 300 metrics may be divided equally amongst each individual host, or all 300 metrics could be sent from a single host."
在配置您当前的自定义指标分配 metrics/tags 以及可能产生的任何计费影响时,您需要牢记这一点。也就是说,如果拥有这些标签对您的团队很重要,请联系 support@datadoghq.com,我们可以与销售团队同步以确定最适合您的团队和用例的内容。