Swift 3 次精确定时器重复 (iOS 9)

Swift 3 precise Timer repeating (iOS 9)

我有一个精确的计时器,需要每 40 毫秒更新一次(尽可能精确)。在 iOS10 上很好(我使用新的 scheduleRepeating 方法)但是在 iOS9 上我需要使用旧方法 (scheduledTimer) 并且它非常滞后(有时 24ms,有时 72...),所以我的硬件界面和视觉效果和滞后。


func launchTimer() {
    if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
    } else {
        let timerQueue =  DispatchQueue(label: "my.queue.tickTimer", attributes: .concurrent)
        self.swiftTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: period, target: self, selector: #selector(executeTimer), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
        timerQueue.async {
            RunLoop.current.add(self.swiftTimer!, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)

static func startTickTimer() {
    let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "my.queue.tickTimer", attributes: .concurrent)
    DMXTimer.tickTimer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: queue)
    DMXTimer.tickTimer?.scheduleRepeating(deadline: .now(), interval: .milliseconds(40), leeway: .seconds(1))
    DMXTimer.tickTimer?.setEventHandler {

static func executeTimer() {
    print("hello moto")

来自关于 NSTimer 的 Apple 文档:

A timer is not a real-time mechanism. If a timer’s firing time occurs during a long run loop callout or while the run loop is in a mode that isn't monitoring the timer, the timer doesn't fire until the next time the run loop checks the timer. Therefore, the actual time at which a timer fires can be significantly later. See also Timer Tolerance.

如果您想要一个非常精确的计时器,您可以检查 Apple Tech Note 的实现并适应 Swift 或使用 CADisplayLink 进行显示更新。

我建议使用 NSThread 并在内部循环而不是计时器。它更复杂,但是,恕我直言,它有更多的设置和灵活的行为