MongoDB Java 驱动程序聚合框架使用 $match 和 $text $search 但首先需要 $project
MongoDB Java Driver Aggregation Framework using $match with $text $search but need $project first
要在 $match 阶段使用 $text,$match 阶段必须是管道的第一阶段。
{"pid":"b00l16vp", "title": "in our time","categories":{"category1":["factual", "arts culture and the media", "history"]}}
{"pid":"b0079mpp", "title": "doctor who", "categories":{"category2":["childrens", "entertainment and comedy", "animation"],"category1":["signed"]}}
{“pid":"b00gdhqw","categories":{"category2":["factual"],"category3":["scotland"],"category4":["lifestyle and leisure", "food and drink"],"category1":["entertainment", "games and quizzes"]}}
List<BasicDBObject> pipeline = new ArrayList<>()
BasicDBObject criteria = new BasicDBObject()
BasicDBObject theProjections = new BasicDBObject()
AggregateIterable iterable
//value is coming from a parameter
if (value != null) {
//a text index has been created on the title field
criteria.put('$text', new BasicDBObject('$search', value))
//cats is coming from a parameter but it will be an array of Strings
if (cats.length != 0) {
ArrayList<BasicDBObject> orList = new ArrayList<>()
ArrayList<BasicDBObject> andList = new ArrayList<>()
BasicDBList theMegaArray = new BasicDBList()
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
String identifier = "categories.category" + i
String cleanIdentifier = '$' + identifier
//If the category does not exist, put in a blank category
theMegaArray.add(new BasicDBObject('$ifNull', Arrays.asList(cleanIdentifier, Collections.EMPTY_LIST)))
//merges all of the category arrays into 1
theProjections.put("allCategories", new BasicDBObject('$setUnion', theMegaArray))
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("allCategories", new BasicDBObject('$all', cats)))
andList.add(new BasicDBObject('$or', orList))
criteria.put('$and', andList)
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$project', theProjections))
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$match', criteria))
//and by default
iterable = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
BasicDBObject criteriaCat = new BasicDBObject()
criteriaCat.put('$and', andList)
首先将 $match 放入管道中,然后是 $project,如果有猫 运行 再对结果进行 $match。
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$match', criteria))
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$project', theProjections))
if (cats.length != 0) {
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$match', criteriaCat))
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$sort', sorting))
//and by default
iterable = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
要在 $match 阶段使用 $text,$match 阶段必须是管道的第一阶段。
{"pid":"b00l16vp", "title": "in our time","categories":{"category1":["factual", "arts culture and the media", "history"]}}
{"pid":"b0079mpp", "title": "doctor who", "categories":{"category2":["childrens", "entertainment and comedy", "animation"],"category1":["signed"]}}
{“pid":"b00gdhqw","categories":{"category2":["factual"],"category3":["scotland"],"category4":["lifestyle and leisure", "food and drink"],"category1":["entertainment", "games and quizzes"]}}
List<BasicDBObject> pipeline = new ArrayList<>()
BasicDBObject criteria = new BasicDBObject()
BasicDBObject theProjections = new BasicDBObject()
AggregateIterable iterable
//value is coming from a parameter
if (value != null) {
//a text index has been created on the title field
criteria.put('$text', new BasicDBObject('$search', value))
//cats is coming from a parameter but it will be an array of Strings
if (cats.length != 0) {
ArrayList<BasicDBObject> orList = new ArrayList<>()
ArrayList<BasicDBObject> andList = new ArrayList<>()
BasicDBList theMegaArray = new BasicDBList()
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
String identifier = "categories.category" + i
String cleanIdentifier = '$' + identifier
//If the category does not exist, put in a blank category
theMegaArray.add(new BasicDBObject('$ifNull', Arrays.asList(cleanIdentifier, Collections.EMPTY_LIST)))
//merges all of the category arrays into 1
theProjections.put("allCategories", new BasicDBObject('$setUnion', theMegaArray))
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("allCategories", new BasicDBObject('$all', cats)))
andList.add(new BasicDBObject('$or', orList))
criteria.put('$and', andList)
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$project', theProjections))
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$match', criteria))
//and by default
iterable = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
BasicDBObject criteriaCat = new BasicDBObject()
criteriaCat.put('$and', andList)
首先将 $match 放入管道中,然后是 $project,如果有猫 运行 再对结果进行 $match。
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$match', criteria))
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$project', theProjections))
if (cats.length != 0) {
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$match', criteriaCat))
pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject('$sort', sorting))
//and by default
iterable = collection.aggregate(pipeline)