使用 Promises 延迟 forEach 循环中的继续

Using Promises to defer continuation within a forEach loop


为了测试这个,我有 testVideoPresence:

var testCounter = 0;
function testVideoPresence(videoElement) {
    if (testCounter >= 5) {
        testCounter = 0;
        return false;
    if (!videoElement.videoWidth || videoElement.videoWidth < 10) { // check to prevent 2x2 issue
        setTimeout(function() {
            testVideoPresence(videoElement); // try again
        }, 500);
    } else if (video.videoWidth * video.videoHeight > 0) {
        return true;

如您所见,我使用 setTimeout 最多递归 5 次。这就是事情变得棘手的地方:

 resolutionTestBuilder.buildTests().then(function (resolutionTests) {
        // at this point, I have a set of resolutions that I want to try
        resolutionTests.forEach(function (resolutionTest) {
            // then I want to iterate over all of them until I find one that works
            performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
                video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
                if (testVideoPresence(video)) { // here is the pain point - how do I await the result of this within the forEach?
                    // return the dimensions
                } else {
                    // continue scanning
            }).catch(function (error) {

            // wait to continue until we have our result

    }).catch(function (error) {

function performTest(currentTest) {
        return streamHelper.openStream(currentTest.device, currentTest.resolution).then(function(streamData) {
            return streamData;
        }).catch(function (error) {

streamHelper.openStream = function (device, resolution) {
    var constraints = createVideoConstraints(device, resolution);
    logger.internalLog("openStream:" + resolution.label + ": " + resolution.width + "x" + resolution.height);
    return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints)
        .then(function (mediaStream) {
            streamHelper.activeStream = mediaStream;
            return { stream: mediaStream, resolution: resolution, constraints: constraints };
            // video.srcObject = mediaStream; // push mediaStream into target element.  This triggers doScan.
        .catch(function (error) {
            if (error.name == "NotAllowedError") {
                return error.name;
            } else {
                return error;

我正在尝试等待 forEach 内的结果,然后再继续处理一系列决议。我知道如果我想转译,我可以使用一些高级技术,比如 async/await - 但我现在仍然坚持使用 vanilla JS 和 promises / bluebird.js。我有哪些选择?免责声明 - 我是 promises 的新手,所以上面的代码可能格式不正确。


测试是按重要性顺序定义的 - 所以我确实需要 resolutionTests[0]resolutionTests[1] 之前解决。

起初,您的 testVideoPresence returns 未定义。它不会那样工作。可以做:

function testVideoPresence(videoElement,callback,counter=0) {
 if(counter>10) callback(false);
    if (!videoElement.videoWidth || videoElement.videoWidth < 10) {
        setTimeout(testVideoPresence, 500,videoElement,callback,counter+1);
    } else if (video.videoWidth * video.videoHeight > 0) {


testVideoPresence(el, console.log);

现在是forEach。您不能以任何方式产生 forEach。但是你可以写你自己的递归 forEach:

(function forEach(el,index) {
  if(index>=el.length) return false;

  performTest(el[index]).then(function (result) {
       video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom

           if(!success) return alert("NOO!");
           //do sth
  }).catch(function (error) {
})(resolutionTests,0);//start with our element at index 0

function raceSequential(fns) {
    if(!fns.length) {
        return Promise.resolve();
    return fns.slice(1)
        .reduce(function(p, c) { 
            return p.catch(c);
        }, fns[0]());

// "Resolution tests"
var t1 = function() { return new Promise(function(_, reject) { setTimeout(() => reject('t1'), 1000); })};
var t2 = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(() => resolve('t2'), 1000); })};
var t3 = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(() => resolve('t3'), 1000); })};

var prom = raceSequential([t1, t2, t3])
    .then(function(result) { console.log('first successful result: ' + result); });


如果试验的顺序不重要,您可以简单地使用 map 结合 Promise.race 来确保解析列表的第一个承诺解析整个列表。您还需要确保您的承诺 return 内的其他承诺 then.

resolutionTestBuilder.buildTests().then(function (resolutionTests) {
    return Promise.race(resolutionTests.map(function (resolutionTest) {
        return performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
            video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
            return testVideoPresence(video);
        }).catch(function (error) {
}).catch(function (error) {

这当然假设当您的尺寸不可用时 testVideoPresence 不会解析。

如果试验顺序很重要,那么 reduce 方法可能会奏效。


然而,一旦找到解决方案,我们将其附加到 reduce 的收集器,以便进一步试验也简单地 return 并避免进一步测试(因为当找到这个时,链已经已注册)

return resolutionTests.reduce(function(result, resolutionTest) {
    var nextPromise = result.intermPromise.then(function() {
        if (result.found) { // result will contain found whenver the first promise that resolves finds this
            return Promise.resolve(result.found);   // this simply makes sure that the promises registered after a result found will return it as well
        } else {
            return performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
                video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
                return testVideoPresence(video).then(function(something) {
                    result.found = something;
                    return result.found;
            }).catch(function (error) {
    return { intermPromise: nextPromise, found: result.found };
}, { intermPromise: Promise.resolve() }); // start reduce with a result with no 'found' and a unit Promise