如何在不写字符的情况下使用 termcap 获取 C 程序中的光标位置?

How to get the cursor position in a C program using termcap, without writing a character?

我想知道如何在我的程序中获取光标位置 (x, y),而不用在屏幕上写任何东西,也不会一直跟踪它。

我找到了一种使用此函数获取其位置的方法(我不检查 return 的读、写等,以编写有关此主题的较小代码,但我在我的程序):

void get_cursor_position(int *col, int *rows)
    int a = 0;
    int i = 0;
    char buf[4];

    write(1, "3[6n", 4); // string asking for the cursor position
    read(1, buf, 4);

    while (buf[i])
        if (buf[i] >= 48 && buf[i] <= 57)
            if (a == 0)
                *rows = atoi(&buf[i]) - 1;
                *col = atoi(&buf[i]) - 1;

这个函数给我准确的光标位置(*rows = y,*col = x),但它写在屏幕上。

是否应该在发送转义序列之前和之后切换 echo?



  • 规范模式是 缓冲的(见下文)

  • read 是在 标准输出 的文件描述符上完成的(这可能会起作用——有时——但不算在内就可以了)

  • read 未读取足够的字符以获得典型响应

  • 响应将有两个十进制整数,用分号分隔 ;

  • 响应将有一个最终字符(如果 read 实际上要求足够的字符,这将成为一个问题...)


In canonical mode input processing, terminal input is processed in units of lines. A line is delimited by a newline character (NL), an end-of-file character (EOF), or an end-of-line (EOL) character. See Special Characters for more information on EOF and EOL. This means that a read request will not return until an entire line has been typed or a signal has been received. Also, no matter how many bytes are requested in the read() call, at most one line will be returned. It is not, however, necessary to read a whole line at once; any number of bytes, even one, may be requested in a read() without losing information.

    CSI Ps n  Device Status Report (DSR).
                Ps = 5  -> Status Report.
              Result ("OK") is CSI 0 n
                Ps = 6  -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column].
              Result is CSI r ; c R

也就是你的程序要准备读取Escape[ 后跟两个十进制整数(对它们的长度没有固定限制),以及另外两个字符 ;R.

顺便说一下,termcap 本身对您的解决方案作用不大。虽然 ncurses 在终端数据库中定义了一些相关功能:

#       u9      terminal enquire string (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 DA)
#       u8      terminal answerback description
#       u7      cursor position request (equiv. to VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48 DSR 6)
#       u6      cursor position report (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 CPR)

很少有程序使用它们,而且在任何情况下您都会发现很难在 termcap 应用程序中使用光标位置报告