在用户睡觉时处理我的 BLE 监控应用程序上的 Android-打瞌睡模式

Dealing with Android-Doze mode on my BLE monitoring app while user's sleeping

我制作了在睡眠时间监测人的健康状况的设备,它通过 BLE 连接到智能手机。

它与 iOS 应用程序配合得很好。 但是自从打瞌睡模式出现在 Android 世界。 真的很难处理,因为我的设备在他的睡眠时间工作。


很多文章告诉我,如果我的应用程序在白名单中,即使在打瞌睡模式下也可以使用网络。但在我测试了 Doze 模式后,情况似乎并非如此。 我说的对吗?


adb shell dumpsys deviceidle


任何提示都会对我有所帮助。 谢谢


不幸的是,我使用 GCM 进行了测试,但它只能在短时间内唤醒我的应用程序。这意味着我必须尽可能多地发送 GCM 以使其保持清醒。我觉得我用不了。

Many articles tell me that I can use a network even in the doze mode if my app is in the whitelist. But it does not seem true after I tested Doze mode. Am I right?


An app that is whitelisted can use the network and hold partial wake locks during Doze and App Standby. However, other restrictions still apply to the whitelisted app, just as they do to other apps. For example, the whitelisted app’s jobs and syncs are deferred (on API level 23 and below), and its regular AlarmManager alarms do not fire.

来自 here.


What is the best approach that I can take to make my app working correctly?



Note: You should only use a foreground service for tasks the user expects the system to execute immediately or without interruption. Such cases include uploading a photo to social media, or playing music even while the music-player app is not in the foreground. You should not start a foreground service simply to prevent the system from determining that your app is idle.

来自 here.