关于 Python 个词

About Python capwords

from string import capwords

capwords('\"this is test\", please tell me.')
# output: '\"this Is Test\", Please Tell Me.'

为什么不等于这个? ↓

'\"This Is Test\", Please Tell Me.'


它不起作用,因为它很幼稚,并且被前导 " 混淆了,这使得它认为 "This 不是以字母开头。


>>> '\"this is test\", please tell me.'.title()
'"This Is Test", Please Tell Me.'

这可能是 capwords() 保留在 string 模块中但从未成为字符串方法的原因。

string.capwords()documentation 说:

Split the argument into words using str.split(), capitalize each word using str.capitalize(), and join the capitalized words using str.join(). If the optional second argument sep is absent or None, runs of whitespace characters are replaced by a single space and leading and trailing whitespace are removed, otherwise sep is used to split and join the words.


>>> s = '\"this is test\", please tell me.'
>>> split = s.split()
>>> split
['"this', 'is', 'test",', 'please', 'tell', 'me.']
>>> ' '.join(x.capitalize() for x in split)
'"this Is Test", Please Tell Me.'

因此您可以看到双引号被视为单词的一部分,因此以下 "t" 没有大写。


>>> s.title()
'"This Is Test", Please Tell Me.'