我如何使用 MindBody API python 获得所有客户

How I can get all Clients with MindBody API python

我正在尝试获取所有 clients using MindBody API,我试过了,

from suds.client import Client
from Helper.ClientService import ClientServiceMethods

# Making a call
calls = ClientServiceMethods()
result = calls.GetAllClients()
client_dict = Client.dict(result)
clients = client_dict['Clients']
client_list = clients.Client # transferring clients into a python list

#printing the lenght of received clients list
print len(client_list)

上面的代码可以工作,但问题是它不会拉取超过 27 个客户端,仅此而已。 从 MindBody Docs GettAllClients 应该最多 1000 个客户端,呼叫的限制是 1000,这意味着我最多可以达到 1000,但问题是我注意到为了至少获得那 1000 个,我只获得了 27 个客户。

Note: I am working with Demo Data, Sandbox which can anyone look them, I used the Sample code from their MindBody Python repository

我正在努力通过 api 获取所有客户数据,这些客户可以查看 from here

用户名:站点所有者 |密码:apitest1234


when we make call GetClients, mindbody will send clients but it will represent them in form of pages so that 25 client was the first page if u want to get the next 25 client you would have to call the page indexed 2 and so on and so forth.

在代码中,这就是您要执行此操作的方法,使用 API Example code ClientService,在方法 GetClientsByString

def GetClientsByString(self, searchStr):
        """Convenience method to find clients containing searchStr in their name or e-mail."""
        request = self.CreateBasicRequest("GetClientsRequest")

        # Since SearchText is just a string, we can assign it directly.
        request.SearchText = searchStr
        request.CurrentPageIndex = 1 # increase this number by one each time 

        return self.service.service.GetClients(request)

我就是这样处理的;对没有 API 密集的更好方法持开放态度:

    clientService = ClientServiceCalls()

    #get all client IDs

    clientResponse = clientService.GetClientsByString('')
    clientList = clientResponse.Clients.Client

    clientVisitsDict = []

    for c in clientList:

        #Call get ClientVisits API on each Client ID

        clientResponseVisits = clientService.GetClientVisits(str(c.ID))

        if clientResponseVisits.Visits:
            visitsList = clientResponseVisits.Visits.Visit
            for v in visitsList:

                ### your code here