在一个 MsgBox 中显示所有数组元素值 VBA
Display All Array Element Values in One MsgBox VBA
请耐心等待我的代码。 (我不是一个好的编码员,也不熟悉所有 VBA 语法。)
我没有使用 ACCESS 或 SQL,只是简单地将所有用户窗体输入数据记录到 Excel Sheet.
每个ComboBox的初始RowSource是excelsheet中的一个范围。在这个范围内,我已经为每个类别输入了一些项目。因此,在执行宏时,单击每个 ComboBox 的下拉箭头时,将显示列表项。
下面代码中"Private Sub CmdEditList_Click()"的作用是,如果在现有列表中找不到每个ComboBox中的数据,则首先更新每个类别中的项目列表。其次,更新每个 ComboBox 的 RowSource。
下面的 MsgBox 代码行的目的是通知用户哪个类别的列表中添加了项目。`
MsgBox "The following Categories were updated:" & vbNewLine & msg`
但是在更新 3 个类别(作者、出版商和系列)的情况下,不会显示作者和出版商,而是在 2 个换行符之后,仅显示 "Series"。
Private Sub CmdEditList_Click()
Dim NextListRow As Long
Dim ComboArr()
Dim RangeArr()
Dim MsgBoxArr()
Dim CategoryArr()
Dim i As Integer
Dim UpdateItemCnt As Integer
Dim mbi As Integer
i = 0
UpdateItemCnt = -1
ComboArr = Array(ComboAuthor, ComboGenre, ComboPublisher, _
ComboLocation, ComboSeries, ComboPropertyOf, _
ComboRating, ComboRatedBy, ComboStatus)
RangeArr = Array("R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
CategoryArr = Array("Author", "Genre", "Publisher", "Location", "Series", _
"Property Of", "Rating", "Rated By", "Status")
Do While i <= LASTINDEX
'Checks each Combobox, if ther's a data input.
If Len(Trim(ComboArr(i).Value)) <> 0 Then
Set wkb = ThisWorkbook
With ActiveSheet
'Finds the cell, where a new item of a Category can be placed in the excel sheet.
NextListRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, RangeArr(i)).End(xlUp).Row + 1
End With
'Check if the entered data is not in the existing list.
'If True, ComboBox data is in the list.
If Application.CountIf(Range(RangeArr(i) & "2" & ":" & RangeArr(i) & NextListRow), _
ComboArr(i).Value) > 0 Then
GoTo NextRoutine
UpdateItemCnt = UpdateItemCnt + 1
ReDim MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt)
MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt) = CategoryArr(i)
MsgBox MsgBoxArr(0) 'To Check the value of MsgBoxArr(0) after 2nd assignment.
'Upon checking via debug simulation, the value = "".
'Assigns the ComboBox Value under its corresponding Category in excel sheet.
Database.Cells(NextListRow, RangeArr(i)).Value = ComboArr(i).Value
'Refreshes the range of the list to be displayed via the ComBox dropdown arrow.
Range(RangeArr(i) & "2", Range(RangeArr(i) & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Name = "Dynamic"
ComboArr(i).RowSource = "Dynamic"
End If
GoTo EndRoutine
End If
i = i + 1
MsgBox MsgBoxArr(0) 'To Check the value of MsgBoxArr(0) after loop.
'Upon checking via debug simulation, the value = "".
For mbi = LBound(MsgBoxArr) To UBound(MsgBoxArr)
msg = msg & MsgBoxArr(mbi) & vbNewLine
Next mbi
MsgBox "The following Categories were updated:" & vbNewLine & msg
'In cases, wherein new item for Author, Publisher and Series were input in the UserForm,
'the MsgBox only shows: The following Categories were updated:
' Series
End Sub
ReDim MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt)
ReDim Preserve MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt)
如果您在没有 Preserve
请耐心等待我的代码。 (我不是一个好的编码员,也不熟悉所有 VBA 语法。)
我没有使用 ACCESS 或 SQL,只是简单地将所有用户窗体输入数据记录到 Excel Sheet.
每个ComboBox的初始RowSource是excelsheet中的一个范围。在这个范围内,我已经为每个类别输入了一些项目。因此,在执行宏时,单击每个 ComboBox 的下拉箭头时,将显示列表项。
下面代码中"Private Sub CmdEditList_Click()"的作用是,如果在现有列表中找不到每个ComboBox中的数据,则首先更新每个类别中的项目列表。其次,更新每个 ComboBox 的 RowSource。
下面的 MsgBox 代码行的目的是通知用户哪个类别的列表中添加了项目。`
MsgBox "The following Categories were updated:" & vbNewLine & msg`
但是在更新 3 个类别(作者、出版商和系列)的情况下,不会显示作者和出版商,而是在 2 个换行符之后,仅显示 "Series"。
Private Sub CmdEditList_Click()
Dim NextListRow As Long
Dim ComboArr()
Dim RangeArr()
Dim MsgBoxArr()
Dim CategoryArr()
Dim i As Integer
Dim UpdateItemCnt As Integer
Dim mbi As Integer
i = 0
UpdateItemCnt = -1
ComboArr = Array(ComboAuthor, ComboGenre, ComboPublisher, _
ComboLocation, ComboSeries, ComboPropertyOf, _
ComboRating, ComboRatedBy, ComboStatus)
RangeArr = Array("R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
CategoryArr = Array("Author", "Genre", "Publisher", "Location", "Series", _
"Property Of", "Rating", "Rated By", "Status")
Do While i <= LASTINDEX
'Checks each Combobox, if ther's a data input.
If Len(Trim(ComboArr(i).Value)) <> 0 Then
Set wkb = ThisWorkbook
With ActiveSheet
'Finds the cell, where a new item of a Category can be placed in the excel sheet.
NextListRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, RangeArr(i)).End(xlUp).Row + 1
End With
'Check if the entered data is not in the existing list.
'If True, ComboBox data is in the list.
If Application.CountIf(Range(RangeArr(i) & "2" & ":" & RangeArr(i) & NextListRow), _
ComboArr(i).Value) > 0 Then
GoTo NextRoutine
UpdateItemCnt = UpdateItemCnt + 1
ReDim MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt)
MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt) = CategoryArr(i)
MsgBox MsgBoxArr(0) 'To Check the value of MsgBoxArr(0) after 2nd assignment.
'Upon checking via debug simulation, the value = "".
'Assigns the ComboBox Value under its corresponding Category in excel sheet.
Database.Cells(NextListRow, RangeArr(i)).Value = ComboArr(i).Value
'Refreshes the range of the list to be displayed via the ComBox dropdown arrow.
Range(RangeArr(i) & "2", Range(RangeArr(i) & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Name = "Dynamic"
ComboArr(i).RowSource = "Dynamic"
End If
GoTo EndRoutine
End If
i = i + 1
MsgBox MsgBoxArr(0) 'To Check the value of MsgBoxArr(0) after loop.
'Upon checking via debug simulation, the value = "".
For mbi = LBound(MsgBoxArr) To UBound(MsgBoxArr)
msg = msg & MsgBoxArr(mbi) & vbNewLine
Next mbi
MsgBox "The following Categories were updated:" & vbNewLine & msg
'In cases, wherein new item for Author, Publisher and Series were input in the UserForm,
'the MsgBox only shows: The following Categories were updated:
' Series
End Sub
ReDim MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt)
ReDim Preserve MsgBoxArr(UpdateItemCnt)
如果您在没有 Preserve