Django 管理员因引导失败 "danger" class?

Django admin fails with bootstraps "danger" class?

在我的 django 管理中,错误消息(使用消息框架)是使用 danger class 创建的。然而,消息看起来是绿色的,上面有一个批准标志:

查看 admin/css/base.css 时,错误 class 似乎是 error 而不是 danger


没有名为危险的消息级别。您可以使用 warningerror:

DEBUG   Development-related messages that will be ignored (or removed) 
        in a production deployment
INFO    Informational messages for the user
SUCCESS An action was successful, e.g. “Your profile was updated successfully”
WARNING A failure did not occur but may be imminent
ERROR   An action was not successful or some other failure occurred