"image_aspect_ratio" 从 Messenger BOT webview 分享时不尊重标记

"image_aspect_ratio" flag not respected while sharing from Messenger BOT webview


var messageToShare = {
                    "title":"Welcome to Peter\'s Hats",
                    "subtitle":"We\'ve got the right hat for everyone.",
                        "url": "my share url",
                        "title":"View Website"
  function success() {},
  function error(errorCode, errorMessage) {},

共享正常,但未按预期发布图像。 "image_aspect_ratio" 标志不受尊重,图像以水平布局显示。

但同样的 JSON 在通过 CURL 完成共享时将图像显示为正方形。我的共享对象有问题吗?请帮助

您需要在负载中添加 "sharable":true

var messageToShare = {
      "sharable": true,
          "title":"Welcome to Peter\'s Hats",
          "subtitle":"We\'ve got the right hat for everyone.",
              "url": "my share url",
              "title":"View Website"

这是 Messenger 平台上的错误。我向 Facebook 报告了这件事,现在它已经修复了。 https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/391245647960177/