在 TASM 中加密字符串时遇到问题

Trouble with encrypting a string in TASM

您好,我是汇编语言的新手,我正在为我的 .asm 文件使用 TASM。我想创建一个加密和解密程序,它接受一个 input.txt 文件并加密该文件中的消息。最多只有 30 个字符。 input.txt 文件包含此短语,"You can read this!" 这是到目前为止的样子。


welcome_msg1 db "Welcome to the Encrypt/Decrypt program.",13,10,'$'
welcome_msg2 db "Here are your choices.",13,10,'$'
choice_msg1 db "E - Encrypt",13,10,'$'
choice_msg2 db "D - Decrypt",13,10,'$'
choice_msg3 db "Q - Quit",13,10,'$'

filename db 'c:\input.txt',0
file_error db "Error, file not found!",13,10,'$'
string db 30 dup(0)     ; Only 30 characters!
len equ $ - string
endchar db '$'
handle dw 0


call instructions
call openfile
call readfile
call closefile

            ; encrypt Text
lea si, string
mov cl, len
call encrypt

            ; display string
mov ah,09h
lea dx, string
int 21h

            ; terminate program once finish
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h


            ; print instructions
instructions proc near

    mov ah, 09h
    lea dx, welcome_msg1
    int 21h

    mov ah, 09h
    lea dx, welcome_msg2
    int 21h

    mov ah, 09h
    lea dx, choice_msg1
    int 21h

    mov ah, 09h
    lea dx, choice_msg2
    int 21h

    mov ah, 09h
    lea dx, choice_msg3
    int 21h


instructions endp

            ; open file
openfile proc near

    mov ax,3d02h
    lea dx,filename
    int 21h
    jc error
    mov handle,ax 

openfile endp

            ; read from file
readfile proc near

    mov ah,3fh
    mov bx,handle
    mov cx,30
    lea dx,string
    int 21h
    jc error

readfile endp

            ; close file
closefile proc near

    mov ah,3eh
    mov bx,handle
    int 21h

closefile endp

            ; encrypt the string
encrypt proc near

    mov ch, 0

        cmp si, len
        je done
        add [si],01
        inc si
    loop shift_char

encrypt endp

done proc near

    mov [si], "$"

done endp

            ; terminate program if fails
error proc near

    mov ah, 09h
    lea dx, file_error
    int 21h

    mov ax,4c00h
    int 21h

error endp





filename db 'c:\input.txt',0
string db 30 dup(0)     ; Only 30 characters!
len equ $ - string
endchar db '$'
handle dw 0


;open file
mov ax,3d02h
lea dx,filename
int 21h
jc error
mov handle,ax

;read file
mov ah,3fh
mov bx,handle
mov cx,30
lea dx,string
int 21h
jc error

;close file
mov ah,3eh
mov bx,handle
int 21h

;encrypt string
lea si, string
mov cl, len
call encrypt

;print string
mov ah,09h
lea dx, string
int 21h

;finishes if done
done proc near
    mov [si], "$"
done endp

encrypt proc near
      mov ch, 0
            cmp si, len
            je done
            add [si],01
            inc si
        loop shift_char

encrypt endp

;terminate if error
error proc near
    mov ax,4c00h
    int 21h
error endp


当我 运行 裁剪的程序时,我得到了我想要的。这是为此的结果


您的问题是您正在加密缓冲区中的所有 0

string db 30 dup(0)     ; Only 30 characters!

这个 string 的声明是 30 个字节,用零填充,无论读取多少个字符,你计算的长度都是 30。

你应该做的是根据文件的输入计算 len 或将 encrypt 更改为在读取 char 0 时停止。


encrypt proc near
    mov ch, 0
    cmp si, len
    je done
    cmp byte ptr [si], 0 ; <-- added
    je done              ; <-- finish when reaching the 0
    add [si],01
    inc si
  loop shift_char
encrypt endp

此外,可以通过在内存访问中添加 byte ptr 来修复警告,就像我对 cmp byte ptr [si], 0 所做的那样。

string db 30 dup(0)     ; Only 30 characters!
len equ $ - string

首先,考虑到硬编码数字 30,以这种方式定义 len 可能会被认为有点愚蠢!一个普通的 len equ 30 更有意义。

encrypt proc near
    mov ch, 0
        cmp si, len
        je done
        add [si],01
        inc si
    loop shift_char
encrypt endp

当您写 cmp si, len 时,您将地址 (si) 与长度 (len) 进行比较。那是不可能的。您可以比较的是 2 个地址或 2 个长度。


PawelLukasik 他说的是对的

"What you should do is either calculate the len based on the input from file or change the encrypt to stop when char 0 is read."


此外,这次您加密的是一个通常不存在 0 字节的文本文件,但下次您将要处理一个二进制文件,然后您将再次陷入困境。

解决方案必须在您读取文件的程序中更早开始。当读取成功时,DOS 在 AX 寄存器中返回有效读取的字节数。您应该将此数字放在 LENGTH 变量中:

LENGTH  dw 0
readfile proc near
    mov  ah, 3Fh
    mov  bx, handle
    mov  cx, 30           ;Maximum number of bytes to read
    lea  dx, string
    int  21h
    jc   error
    mov  [LENGTH], ax     ;Actual number of bytes read
readfile endp

然后 encrypt 过程变成一个简单的循环:

encrypt proc near
        mov   cx, [LENGTH]    ;Any number from 0 to 30, gotten from DOS
        jcxz  done            ;In case of 0 (file was empty)
        add   byte ptr [si], 1
        inc   si
        loop  shift_char
        mov   byte ptr [si], "$"
encrypt endp