是否需要 JOB 卡?

Is a JOB card necessary?

我猜工作卡就像是 Java Class 的全局属性。在我的工作中,我从未使用过这些工作卡属性。那么工作卡是必须的吗?你能看看下面的工作卡并告诉我是否需要它以及我为什么需要它吗?


     //BJ03H03 JOB (BBO09272,0000),                                                  
     //             'NHS-STAT  $',                                                   
     //             USER=BPB,                                                        
     //             SCHENV=HDZ2PO,                                                   
     //             CLASS=E,                                                         
     //             TIME=270,                                                        
     //             MSGCLASS=2   

工作卡上需要和不需要的内容将 system/installation 视情况而定。最低要求是存在带有 JOBNAME 的 JOB 语句。即 //JOBNAME JOB (还需要 EXEC 语句)


The system is designed to enable users to perform many types of job control in many ways. To allow this flexibility, only two job entry tasks are required:

Identification: The job must be identified in the jobname field of a JOB statement. Execution: The program or procedure to be executed must be named in a PGM or PROC parameter on an EXEC statement.

Therefore, the following statements are the minimum needed to perform a job control task:

//jobname  JOB
//         EXEC  {PGM=program-name   }

Task Charts z/OS MVS JCL Reference SA23-1385-00 开始,这不是了解更多信息的最差起点。