具有基本应用示例的 WebVR 扩展

WebVR Extension with Basic Application Example

我正在尝试将 WebVR 扩展与基本应用程序一起使用。以下 html 渲染的是 2D 模型,而不是 VR 中的 3D 模型。除了我调用 WebVR 扩展的地方外,代码大部分是样板文件。提前致谢!

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- vr.html -->
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!-- The Viewer CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://developer.api.autodesk.com/viewingservice/v1/viewers/style.min.css" type="text/css">

    <!-- Developer CSS -->
        body {
            margin: 0;
        #MyViewerDiv {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            margin: 0;
            background-color: #F0F8FF;

    <!-- The Viewer will be instantiated here -->
    <div id="MyViewerDiv"></div>

    <!-- The Viewer JS -->
    <script src="https://developer.api.autodesk.com/viewingservice/v1/viewers/three.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://developer.api.autodesk.com/viewingservice/v1/viewers/viewer3D.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Developer JS -->
        var viewerApp;
        var options = {
            env: 'AutodeskProduction',
            // Here is the WebVR extension
            extensions: ['Autodesk.Viewing.WebVR'],
            getAccessToken: function(onGetAccessToken) {
                // TODO: Replace static access token string below with call to fetch new token from your backend
                // Both values are provided by Forge's Authentication (OAuth) API.
                // Example Forge's Authentication (OAuth) API return value:
                // {
                //    "access_token": "<YOUR_APPLICATION_TOKEN>",
                //    "token_type": "Bearer",
                //    "expires_in": 86400
                // }
                var accessToken = {{ accessToken }};
                var expireTimeSeconds = 60 * 30;
                onGetAccessToken(accessToken, expireTimeSeconds);

        var documentId = {{ documentID }};
        // var config = {
            // extensions: ['Autodesk.Viewing.WebVR'],
            // experimental: ['webVR_orbitModel']
        // };
        Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer(options, function(){
            viewerApp = new Autodesk.Viewing.ViewingApplication('MyViewerDiv');
            viewerApp.registerViewer(viewerApp.k3D, Autodesk.Viewing.Private.GuiViewer3D);
            viewerApp.loadDocument(documentId, onDocumentLoadSuccess, onDocumentLoadFailure);

        function onDocumentLoadSuccess(doc) {

            // We could still make use of Document.getSubItemsWithProperties()
            // However, when using a ViewingApplication, we have access to the **bubble** attribute,
            // which references the root node of a graph that wraps each object from the Manifest JSON.
            var viewables = viewerApp.bubble.search({'type':'geometry'});
            if (viewables.length === 0) {
                console.error('Document contains no viewables.');

            // Choose any of the avialble viewables
            viewerApp.selectItem(viewables[0].data, onItemLoadSuccess, onItemLoadFail);

        function onDocumentLoadFailure(viewerErrorCode) {
            console.error('onDocumentLoadFailure() - errorCode:' + viewerErrorCode);

        function onItemLoadSuccess(viewer, item) {

            // Congratulations! The viewer is now ready to be used.
            console.log('Viewers are equal: ' + (viewer === viewerApp.getCurrentViewer()));

        function onItemLoadFail(errorCode) {
            console.error('onItemLoadFail() - errorCode:' + errorCode);


其中 {{ documentID }} 是我的骨灰盒,{{ accessToken }} 是我的令牌。

首先,我认为 WebVR 扩展不适用于 2D 模型,我只是尝试使用 f2d 文件,但它不起作用,您对 VR 中的 2D 有何期待?

我也建议你至少使用2.13版本的查看器,如果你不指定任何版本的查看器,我试过默认使用2.12。如果您在 https://developer.api.autodesk.com/viewingservice/v1/viewers/viewer3D.js?v=2.12 查看 WebVR 扩展的查看器 2.12 代码,您会发现当您的浏览器本身不支持 WebVR 时,它不会使用 webvr-polyfill。但是,从查看器 2.13 开始,添加了以下代码以支持 webvr-polyfill,这使您的浏览器支持 WebVR,即使它本身还不支持 WebVR。

// check if browser supports webVR1.1 natively, if not, load polyfill
avp.loadDependency('VRFrameData', 'webvr-polyfill.min.js', function() {})

最后,我在 https://viewervr.herokuapp.com 有一个简单的 WebVR 运行ning 示例,如果你想检查结果,仅需加载“'Autodesk.Viewing.WebVR”扩展,如果你 运行 在你的移动设备上,你会看到预期的结果。
