如何使用 Visual Studio 2013 Pro 为 Windows Phone 8 构建 Boost 1.57?

How to build Boost 1.57 for Windows Phone 8 with Visual Studio 2013 Pro?

我想为 Windows Phone 8 构建 Boost 1.57,但是当我 运行 b2 如此时

b2 toolset=msvc-12.0 variant=release architecture=arm windows-api=phone


'/Zm800' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

我的猜测是构建系统没有正确设置编译器。它像这样使用 b2 编译没有错误

b2 toolset=msvc-12.0 variant=release

我错过了什么?如何为 Windows Phone 8 编译 Boost?

我发现了问题。 Visual Studio 2013好像少了一个目录,解决办法是下载这个blog article自带的文件,复制到正确的地方:

Please note Visual Studio 2013 didn’t include vcvarsphone setup scripts so you won’t be able to target Phone 8.1 out of the box. With this blog post I’ve included phone setup scripts that can be used when targeting Windows Phone 8.1. To setup them up create the folders called WPSDK\WP81 under the VC Visual Studio installation directory, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\, and copy the phone setup script files in.
