有人可以建议如何在一个字段为 True 时删除 one2many 行中的删除按钮

can someone suggest how to remove delete button in one2many lines whenone field is True

有人可以建议如何在一个字段为 True 时删除 one2many 行中的删除按钮

我试过用 定义取消链接(自我): 并覆盖此方法

注意:我在 odoo 10 中工作

您可以设置 以禁止删除所有记录。否则没有办法对此提出条件。

The way you tried overriding unlink() is only way to do it. you can check your Boolean field value in method and raise Error Accordingly.

def unlink(self):
    for rec in self:
        if rec.your_boolean_field :
            raise UserError(_('In order to delete a record, you must first unset your_boolean_field.'))
    return super(YourModel, self).unlink()
