将问题状态设置为 "Closed" 后,使列表项不可编辑

Make a list item Non editable once the Issue status is set to "Closed"

我有一个 SharePoint 列表来存储列表项以跟踪问题。有一个名为 "Issue Status" 的下拉列表,其值 - "Active"、"In-Progress" 和 "Closed"。




I need help in making the list item non editable when the issue is marked as "Closed" in the drop down.

有多种方法可以做到这一点。您可以使用 JS Link 来控制编辑表单的呈现。一旦状态更改为 "Closed",您可以编写代码逻辑以只读模式显示编辑表单。您可以下载 this 示例并根据需要进行修改。

Also a help on making the drop down show only "Active" when the new list item is created would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

与上一个类似,您可以在新表单中添加 JS Link 以删除下拉列表中除 "Active" 之外的所有选项。

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