如何正确地将 str 模块添加到绿洲配置中?

How properly add str module to oasis config?



OASISFormat: 0.4
Name:        Count Lines
Version:     0.0.1
Synopsis:    Counts the number of lines in the project
Authors:     Bogdan Nechyporenko
License:     LGPL-2.1 with OCaml linking exception
Executable "count-lines"
  Path:       src
  BuildTools: ocamlbuild
  BuildDepends: str
  MainIs:     main.ml


open Str ;;

let endswith s1 s2 =
  let re = Str.regexp (Str.quote s2 ^ "$")
  try ignore (Str.search_forward re s1 0); true
  with Not_found -> false

我正在 运行 命令构建它:

ocaml setup.ml -build

剩下的就是ocaml -setup生成的文件:


如果有人对答案感兴趣,在修改您自己的 _oasis 文件后,您需要 运行 "oasis setup" 来获取修改。

愚蠢的我,感谢 IRC #ocaml 聊天中的 Drup!!!