
Attribute is => 'Maybe[SomeSubtype]' returns Attribute () does not pass type constraint

我已经创建了带有强制转换的子类型 Birth_d,如下所示,我正在尝试将它与内置的 Maybe 类型结合使用,根据 Moose::Manual::Types

我收到错误 You cannot coerce an attribute (birth_d) unless its type (Maybe[Birth_d]) has a coercion。这是完整的测试代码:

package Student;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

use DateTime::Format::MySQL;

class_type 'Birth_d', { class => 'DateTime' };

coerce 'Birth_d',
  from 'Str',
  via { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_date( $_ ) };

has 'name' => (
  isa => 'Str',
  is => 'ro',

has 'birth_d' => (
  isa => 'Maybe[Birth_d]',   # This works:    isa => 'Birth_d'
  coerce => 1,
  is => 'ro',

package main;

use Test::More;

my $student = Student->new(
  name => 'Johnnie Appleseed',
  birth_d => '2015-01-01'

is ( $student->birth_d->ymd(), '2015-01-01' );

my $student2 = Student->new(
  name => 'Foo Bar',
  birth_d => undef

is( $student2->birth_d, undef );

isa => 'Birth_d' 替换 isa => 'Maybe[Birth_d]' 可行,但不是所需要的。我需要使 birth_d 可选,如果未提供,则应为 undef。

我应该补充一下,我尝试使用 MooseX::Types 将这个 Birth_d 类型隐藏在一个单独的地方,但发现它对裸词的随意使用有点不正统,所以我慢慢退缩了。如果这样做有意义,我愿意重新考虑它。

我会发现没有 Maybe[Birth_d] 类型更有用,而只是用 Birth_d 类型声明属性,并且没有设置 "required"。


但是,您可以强制转换为 maybe 类型:

subtype 'MaybeBirth_d',
    as maybe_type(class_type('DateTime'));

coerce 'MaybeBirth_d',
    from 'Str',
    via { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_date( $_ ) };

has 'birth_d' => (
    isa => 'MaybeBirth_d',
    coerce => 1,
    is => 'ro',

我只是看不出能够为生日传递 undef 的价值 - 这比不设置它有什么好处?

我还想建议在包的末尾使用 no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;no Moose;,或者在包的开头使用 namespace::autoclean;,在包的末尾使用 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;您的学生 class 结束。

Moose does not do any chaining of coercions,换句话说,你必须明确告诉它如何转换为 Maybe[Birth_d].

您可以通过重新使用现有的强制转换来做到这一点 Birth_d:

package Student;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

use DateTime::Format::MySQL;

# save the Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint object
# you can also get it with find_type_constraint('Birth_d')
my $birth_d = class_type 'Birth_d', { class => 'DateTime' };

coerce 'Birth_d',
  from 'Str',
   via { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_date( $_ ) };

subtype 'MaybeBirth_d',
     as 'Maybe[Birth_d]';

coerce 'Maybe[Birth_d]',
  from 'Str|Undef',
   via { $birth_d->coerce($_) };

has 'name' => (
  isa => 'Str',
  is => 'ro',

has 'birth_d' => (
  isa => 'Maybe[Birth_d]',
  coerce => 1,
  is => 'ro',
  predicate => 'has_birth_d', # as per your comment

package main;

use Test::More;

my $student = Student->new(
  name => 'Johnnie Appleseed',
  birth_d => '2015-01-01'

is ( $student->birth_d->ymd(), '2015-01-01' );

my $student2 = Student->new(
  name => 'Foo Bar',
  birth_d => undef

is( $student2->birth_d, undef );

ok( $student2->has_birth_d );
