如何以编程方式忽略 WinRAR 警告?

How to ignore WinRAR warnings programatically?

我需要遍历很多 jar 文件来删除以前的标志并为每个 jar 重新制作标志,所以我为 windows 制作了这个脚本,它运行良好但是当 'Warning' 消息出现;而且我必须点击 'close' 很多次。警告是因为 "no file was found to delete".

@echo off
REM iterate over jar files in path
for %%x in (C:\My\Path\to\jar\files\*.jar) do (
echo Jar name: %%~nx
echo -------------------------------------

REM delete previous signatures
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" d %%x *.RSA *.SF

REM execute sign command
C:\My\Path\To\jarsigner.exe -keystore C:\My\Path\to\mykeystore.jks -storepass myStorepassKey -keypass myKeyspassKey %%x keys_alias


由于您正在编辑一个 .jar 文件,它本质上是一个 zip 文件,您可以避免使用 WinRAR。

zip 命令提供了删除 zip 文件中条目的方法。此外,如果您安装了 7zip(在 Windows 中可用),7z d archive.jar *.RSA -r 可能会成功。

另请参阅:How to delete a file from multiple zip archives using 7-Zip

如果我这样做 C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe /?

我得到了所有命令和开关,这意味着您应该使用 rar 来 运行:

"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar" d %%x *.RSA *.SF

Jar 文件实际上是压缩文件。



  a             Add files to archive
  c             Add archive comment
  ch            Change archive parameters
  cw            Write archive comment to file
  d             Delete files from archive
  e             Extract files without archived paths
  f             Freshen files in archive
  i[par]=<str>  Find string in archives
  k             Lock archive
  l[t[a],b]     List archive contents [technical[all], bare]
  m[f]          Move to archive [files only]
  p             Print file to stdout
  r             Repair archive
  rc            Reconstruct missing volumes
  rn            Rename archived files
  rr[N]         Add data recovery record
  rv[N]         Create recovery volumes
  s[name|-]     Convert archive to or from SFX
  t             Test archive files
  u             Update files in archive
  v[t[a],b]     Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]
  x             Extract files with full path

您可以使用 -inul 选项。 -o+(强制覆盖)或 -o-(不覆盖)选项在提取过程中也可能有帮助。