挂在 Travis 上的 HTTPretty 测试

HTTPretty test hanging on Travis

制作时 python-intercom Python 3 compatible, I ran into an issue on Travis.

当 Python 3.4 上的 运行 时,nosetests 命令似乎没有退出(它在 Python 2.7 上的行为符合预期)。我将范围缩小到使用 HTTPretty and created a small project to highlight the issue, and to publish the results of a failed build:

$ nosetests
Ran 2 tests in 0.061s

No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially
indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.

The build has been terminated


这似乎是 Python 3.4 中最新版本 httppretty 的问题。我遇到了同样的问题,然后我 将其降级为 0.8.6。这似乎是因为 github issue.

中描述的一些 Warning 被引发了