将 CLLocationCoordinate2D(s) 的字符串转换为数组

Convert String of CLLocationCoordinate2D(s) into array


var breadcrumbs: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []
var path: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []

每 10 秒调用一次,以将 CLLocationCoordinate2D 附加到数组。

func addBreadcrumb(){
    let speed = (locationmanager.location?.speed)!
    let speedRounded = speed.roundTo(places: 4)
    let crumbCoordinate = locationmanager.location?.coordinate


一旦用户完成他们的旅行,他们点击一个按钮并调用以下函数。这会将数据输入到 firebase。我正在保存为字符串,因为如果不这样做,我会收到错误消息。

func submitTripPath(){
    let tripID: String? = tripUID
    let tripPath = String(describing: breadcrumbs) //This may be the problem
    let speeds = String(describing: tripSpeeds)

    var ref: FIRDatabaseReference!
    ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
    let tripRef = ref.child("TripPaths").child(tripID!)
    let tripDictionary = ["routePath" : tripPath, "routeSpeed" : speeds] as [String : Any]
    tripRef.updateChildValues(tripDictionary) { (err, ref) in
        if err != nil {

在另一个屏幕中,我成功地提取了 Firebase 数据库参考中的坐标字符串。

let routePath = dict["routePath"] as! String //This may also be an issue
//output looks like this
"[__C.CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.337728550000001, longitude: -122.02796406), __C.CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.337716899999997, longitude: -122.02835139), __C.CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.337694319999997, longitude: -122.0287719)]"

我希望能够将其用作 CLLocationCoordinate2D 中的数组,以使用以下方法绘制多段线。 我无法将此字符串转换为可用的 CLLocationCoordinate2D 数组。

    if (path.count > 1) {
        let sourceIndex = path.count - 1
        let destinationIndex = path.count - 2

        let c1 = path[sourceIndex]
        let c2 = path[destinationIndex]

        var a = [c1, c2]
        let polyline = MKPolyline(coordinates: &a, count: a.count)

如果您对保存原始数组、从 Firebase 中提取它或转换字符串有任何建议,请告诉我。如果您需要其他代码供参考,请告诉我。

所以我认为您最大的问题是您正在使用 String(describing:)。这将添加您看到的那些奇怪的 class 名称。您最好为 lat/long 提出自己的编码方法,然后对其进行反向编码以取回您的位置数据。所以像下面这样的方法是一个更好的方法。

func submitTripPath(){
    let tripID: String? = tripUID
    let tripPath = encodeCoordinates(coords: breadcrumbs)
    let speeds = String(describing: tripSpeeds)

    var ref: FIRDatabaseReference!
    ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
    let tripRef = ref.child("TripPaths").child(tripID!)
    let tripDictionary = ["routePath" : tripPath, "routeSpeed" : speeds] as [String : Any]
    tripRef.updateChildValues(tripDictionary) { (err, ref) in
        if err != nil {

func encodeCoordinates(coords: [CLLocationCoordinate2D]) -> String {
    let flattenedCoords: [String] = coords.map { coord -> String in "\(coord.latitude):\(coord.longitude)" }
    let encodedString: String = flattenedCoords.joined(separator: ",")
    return encodedString

func decodeCoordinates(encodedString: String) -> [CLLocationCoordinate2D] {
    let flattenedCoords: [String] = encodedString.components(separatedBy: ",")
    let coords: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = flattenedCoords.map { coord -> CLLocationCoordinate2D in
        let split = coord.components(separatedBy: ":")
        if split.count == 2 {
            let latitude: Double = Double(split[0]) ?? 0
            let longitude: Double = Double(split[1]) ?? 0
            return CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
        } else {
            return CLLocationCoordinate2D()
    return coords
