如何在新的 Azure 资源管理器 Fluent 中备份 Webrole 包

How to take backup of package of Webrole in the new Azure Resource manager Fluent

我需要备份 web 角色包并将其存储在 azure 存储中 在旧版本中我使用了 Azure Management Library https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Libraries/

            string deploymentName = computeClient.Deployments.GetBySlot(serviceName, DeploymentSlot.Production).Name;
            string label = computeClient.Deployments.GetBySlot(serviceName, DeploymentSlot.Production).Label;

            DeploymentGetPackageParameters packageParam = new DeploymentGetPackageParameters();

            Uri containerUri = new Uri(storageBackupURI);
            string containerName = containerUri.AbsolutePath.Remove(0, 1);

            packageParam.ContainerUri = containerUri;
            packageParam.OverwriteExisting = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Copying Package");
            OperationStatusResponse osr = computeClient.Deployments.GetPackageByName(serviceName, deploymentName, packageParam);

我将如何使用流利的语言完成 api。 https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent

目前看来this Library v1.0.0 supports major parts of Azure Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Managed Disks, Storage, Networking, Resource Manager, SQL Database, App Service, Key Vault, Redis, CDN and Batch etc. Cloud Services are not supported and this library will only support Azure Resource Manager Providers, you could find the below info from this blog

要像您在早期项目中所做的那样管理云服务,您仍然可以使用 Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Libraries。

此外,您会在 this article 中找到“版本 1.0.0 的功能可用性和路线图”。