Webpack 2:供应商、通用和特定包

Webpack 2: vendor, common and specific bundles

使用 CommonsChunkPlugin 我目前的代码分为:


所以 page-1.html 我加载了以下脚本:

<script src="vendors.js" />
<script src="common.js" />
<script src="page-1.js" />

工作正常,page-1.jspage-2-authenticated.jspage-3-authenticated.js 中的所有共享代码都捆绑到 common.js

如您所见,我的应用程序要求用户登录 page-2-authenticated.htmlpage-3-authenticated.html。但是,page-2-authenticated.jspage-3-authenticated.js 中的共享代码也被捆绑到 common.js 中。 但我不想打扰未登录的用户,使用仅在您登录时使用的代码。

所以 page-2-authenticated.html 我想要:

<script src="vendors.js" />
<script src="common.js" />
<script src="common-authenticated.js" /> // Shared code for authenticated users
<script src="page-2-authenticated.js" />

但是,当我在 common-authenticated.js 中导出一个测试变量并将它们导入 page-2-authenticated.jspage-3-authenticated.js 时,此共享代码仍然捆绑在 common.js 中。 common-authenticated.js 是空的(只有一些 webpackJsonp([12],[],[85]);)。

我有以下 webpack 2 配置:

entry: {
  vendors: ['react'],
  common: 'index.js',
  'common-authenticated': 'common-authenticated.js',
  'page-1': 'page-1.js',
  'page-2-authenticated': 'page-2-authenticated.js',
  'page-3-authenticated': 'page-3-authenticated.js'
plugins: [
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    // The order of this array matters
    names: ['common', 'vendors'],
    minChunks: 2



entry: {
  // Same as in topic start

plugins: [
   * Check the files used for pages on which you need to be logged in
   * and bundle the shared code of these files in a chunk named
   * 'common-authenticated' (its output will be in 'common-authenticated.js')
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    name: 'common-authenticated',
    chunks: [
    minChunks: 2

   * Now check for shared code in the bundle defined above plus the files for
   * pages on which you do not need to be logged in. Bundle this shared code into
   * 'common.js'
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    name: 'common',
    chunks: [
      'common-authenticated', // Name of the chunk defined above
    minChunks: 2

   * I don't really now how this works. But it works :).
   * It generates the 'vendors.js'
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    name: 'vendors',
    chunks: ['common', 'vendors'],
    minChunks: 2

它正是我想要的。 page-1.html 中的脚本加载保持不变(我在那里不需要 common-authenticated.js)。 page-2-authenticated.html 现在有:

<script src="vendors.js" />
<script src="common.js" />
<script src="common-authenticated.js" /> // Shared code for authenticated users
<script src="page-2-authenticated.js" />