如何使用 DocumentFormat.OpenXml 将 Microsoft Word 文档部分或段落设置为只读

How to set Microsoft Word document section or paragraph to read only using DocumentFormat.OpenXml

有没有办法以编程方式将 ms word 文档 section/paragraph 设置为只读?我知道如下 link 所述限制为仅在 word 中阅读。 https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Restrict-or-permit-formatting-changes-69ca7857-db43-4785-9e14-7735db6d79bb

但是我需要在 C# 中执行此操作,因为我需要先检查用户是否在 SharePoint 组中。


First extend your document:

Document extendedDocument = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument);

Then Protect it:

extendedDocument.Protect(Word.WdProtectionType.wdAllowOnlyReading, true, "password", true);

编辑:see more about working with an IRM to more securely protect your documents

编辑:see more about how to use the protect method: