在没有数字资产链接和 https 的情况下验证 Android 个即时应用程序的站点?

Verify site for Android Instant Apps without Digital Assets Links and https?

是否可以仅通过 Google 网站站长工具验证来使用免安装应用程序(就像我之前使用 app-indexing 所做的那样)-> Search Console

或者说,这个时候有必要用https+DAL? Handling Android App Links

目前我们不使用 https,这就是我们需要其他解决方案的原因。

我在 Instant Apps 文档中找不到答案。

是的,您必须使用 HTTPSGoogle 数字资产链接.

来自你的第二段 link

Handling Android App Links

Automatic handling of links requires the cooperation of app developers and website owners. A developer must configure their app to declare associations with one or more websites, and to request that the system verify those associations. A website owner must, in turn, provide that verification by publishing a Digital Asset Links file. A Digital Asset Links file is a collection of statements conforming to the Asset Links protocol that make public, verifiable assertions about other apps or websites.


Important: The system verifies the JSON file via the encrypted HTTPS protocol. Make sure that your hosted file is accessible over an HTTPS connection, regardless of whether your app's intent filter includes https.