限制令牌移动到 Unity3D 中的邻近区域

Restrict token movements to neighboring areas in Unity3D

我在我的(TEG/RISK 崇拜者)2D 游戏中的地图上有一个标记,我将地图划分为 16 个不同的区域,每个区域都有一个碰撞器,这样我就可以进行点击操作他们并将令牌移向它。我能够进行基本操作:令牌位置 = 区域位置,并且效果很好。当我尝试将算法限制到令牌的邻近区域时,问题就来了,我遇到了很多错误,当我得到 none 时,它不起作用。

脚本有 200~ 行长(是的,很确定是 -100% 优化的)所以我要缩短一些部分。它应该附加到 16 个区域中的每一个区域。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Movimiento : MonoBehaviour {

    //Prefabs of each zone
    public Transform OBJ_ZONA_1;
    public Transform OBJ_ZONA_2;
    public Transform OBJ_ZONA_16;

    //List of zones prefabs to optimize searchs
    public List<Transform> LISTA_OBJ_ZONAS;

    //List of each zone's neighbors
    public List<int> LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_1;
    public List<int> LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_2;
    public List<int> LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_16;

    //List of lists of each zone's neighbors to optimize searchs
    public List<List<int>> LISTA_LISTAS_VECINOS;

    //The token object
    public Transform FICHA;

    public void MoverFicha(){
        Vector3 TP = FICHA.transform.position; 
        TP.x = this.transform.position.x;
        TP.y = this.transform.position.y;
        FICHA.transform.position = TP;

    //Function to clarify the neighbors of the token at the momment
    public List<int> Vecinos(){
        for (int i=0; i<15; i++) {
            if (FICHA.transform.position.x == LISTA_OBJ_ZONAS[i].transform.position.x && FICHA.transform.position.y == LISTA_OBJ_ZONAS[i].transform.position.y)
                return LISTA_LISTAS_VECINOS[i];
        return LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_1;

    //Function to define the zone that got triggered by the click
    public int DefinirZonaClick(){
        for (int i=0; i<15; i++) {
            if (this.transform.position.x == LISTA_OBJ_ZONAS[i].transform.position.x && this.transform.position.y == LISTA_OBJ_ZONAS[i].transform.position.y)
                return i+1;
        return 1;

    void Awake(){

        //Fill the list of zone objects
        LISTA_OBJ_ZONAS.Add (OBJ_ZONA_16);

        //Clarify the neighbors of each zone
        LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_1.Add (2);
        LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_2.Add (1);
        LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_16.Add (15);


    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {

        //Fill the list of lists of neighbors of each zone

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        //Define the list of neighbors for the token at the momment of trigger
        List<int> VECINOS = Vecinos ();

        //Define the clicked zone
        int INT_ZONA_CLICK = DefinirZonaClick ();

        //If the triggered zone is in the token's neighbors list then it moves towards that zone
        if (VECINOS.Contains (INT_ZONA_CLICK))
                        MoverFicha ();




您正在声明 LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_X 等,但您实际上并没有给他们一个 value/creating 对象的实例(或者这是我可以从提供的代码中推断出来的)。因此,当您将它们添加到 LISTA_LISTAS_VECINOS 时,您会收到 NullReference 错误。

先创建 LISTA_VECINOS_ZONA_X 的实例,然后再将它们添加到方法 Start() 的列表中。



public List<List<int>> LISTA_LISTAS_VECINOS = new List<List<int>>();