Nunjucks/Jinja - 当需要访问范围时替代 `include`

Nunjucks/Jinja - alternative for `include` when access to scope is needed

根据 Nunjucks documentation,

an include is not a pre-processor that pulls the included template code into the including template before rendering; instead, it fires off a separate render of the included template, and the results of that render are included.

如果你真的想要一个 "pre-processor that pulls the included template code into the including template before rendering",Nunjucks/Jinja 中会是什么?

实际示例是:两个部分具有相同的变量 set。我们决定干掉它,将那些 set 语句放入部分并通过 include 请求它。使用 include 时,这些变量超出范围。


{% set var = 'x' %}


{% include "partial-config.nunjucks" %}
var={{ var }}


{% include "partial-config.nunjucks" %}
var={{ var }}


也许这是不可能的,因为首先渲染主模板,然后 include。也许我错了。

在任何情况下,您都可以使用 custom loader、"define" 您自己的标签,例如config 用法类似于 {% config "filename.njk" %}。加载程序必须找到 config-tag 并将此行替换为 filename.njk 并传递模板以进行下一步渲染。