Haskell: 如何对不同但相关类型的列表进行处理?

Haskell: How to implement a processing on a list of different but related types?

我有 OOP 背景,所以我不明白 Haskell 是如何做到的。

在 OOP 中,假设我们有 Shape -> Circle, Rectangle, Square 层次结构。我可以很容易地写出这个伪代码:

Shape[] shapes = [create_circle(), create_rect(), create_square()]
foreach(Shape s: Shapes) draw(s)

并且它将调用 draw 圆形、矩形、方形(或形状,如果它没有为子类型实现)的方法。

如何在 Haskell 中实现?


data Circle = Circle { {- e.g. center- and radius fields -} }
data Rectangle = Rectangle { ... }
               | SquareRectangle Square
data Square = Square { ... }


data Shape = CircleShape Circle
           | RectangleShape Rectangle

现在您可以获得 Shapes 的列表,其中可能包含任何圆形、矩形和正方形。

与您的 OOP 代码的主要区别在于 Shape“class”(它不是 Haskell class,而是 ADT)是 closed: 如果某人想添加新的替代形状,他们需要为此定义一个新类型,或者更改旧定义的实际源代码。



type Shape = WhateverTypeYourDrawingCanvasHas

您可以使用数据类型来封装所有形状,也可以使用存在量化。两种选择都有优点和缺点。你面对的是"expression problem"。选择正确的选项取决于您的体系结构,因此我将详细说明两者。


data Circle = Circle { circleCenter :: Point, circleRadius :: Float }
data Rectangle = Rectangle { rectTopLeft :: Point, rectSize :: Size }
data Square = Square { squareTopLeft :: Point, squareSize :: Float }

... 以及一些函数 drawCircledrawRectangledrawSquare.


data Shape
    = Circle Cirle
    | Rectangle Rectangle
    | Square Square

draw :: Shape -> IO ()
draw (Circle c) = drawCircle c
draw (Rectangle r) = drawRectangle r
draw (Square s) = drawSquare s

此模式允许您轻松添加新函数(如 shapeAreashiftShape 等...)但很难添加新形状,尤其是对于您的库的用户。


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

-- Instead of using a datatype, we use a typeclass
class Shape s where
    draw :: s -> IO ()

instance Shape Circle where
    draw = drawCircle

instance Shape Rectangle where
    draw = drawRectangle

instance Shape Square where
    draw = drawSquare

-- Can't use newtype with ExistentialQuantification
data Sh = forall s. Shape s => Sh s

instance Shape Sh where
    draw (Sh s) = draw s


您还可以 "downgrade" 类型类到数据类型,类型类成员到记录字段,如 this article 中所述,正如 chi 在 leftaroundabout 的回答中提到的那样。


您可以使用 typed final style。例如:

class Circle s where
    circle :: Point -> Radius -> s

class Rectangle s where
    rectangle :: Point -> Point -> s

class Square s where
    square :: Point -> Side -> s

newtype Draw a = Draw { runDraw :: IO a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

draw :: Draw () -> Draw ()
draw = id

instance Circle (Draw ()) where
    circle = ... -- draw circle here

instance Rectangle (Draw ()) where
    rectangle = ... -- draw rectangle here

instance Square (Draw ()) where
    square = ... -- draw square here

main = runDraw $ forM_ shapes draw
    shapes = [circle ..., rectangle ..., square ...]

我认为将构造函数 CircleRectangleSquare 归为同一类型 Shape 会很好,甚至我们可以发明一个 Shapes class 有一些常用方法如下

class Shapes a where
  area          :: a -> Float
  circumference :: a -> Float
  draw          :: a -> IO ()

data Shape = Circle {pos :: (Float, Float), radius :: Float} |
             Rect   {pos :: (Float, Float), width :: Float, height :: Float} |
             Square {pos :: (Float, Float), width :: Float}

instance Shapes Shape where
  area (Circle _ radius)              = pi * radius ^ 2
  area (Rect _ width height)          = width * height
  area (Square _ width)               = width ^ 2
  circumference (Circle _ radius)     = 2 * pi * radius
  circumference (Rect _ width height) = 2 * (width + height)
  circumference (Square _ width)      = 4 * width
  draw (Circle pos radius)            = putStrLn (" Circle drawn @ " ++ show pos ++ " with radius " ++ show radius)
  draw (Rect pos width height)        = putStrLn (" Rectangle drawn @ " ++ show pos ++ " with (w,h) " ++ show (width,height))
  draw (Square pos width)             = putStrLn (" Square drawn @ " ++ show pos ++ " with width " ++ show width)

instance Show Shape where
  show (Circle pos radius)     = "Circle with radius " ++ show radius ++ " @ " ++ show pos
  show (Rect pos width height) = "Rect (w,h)" ++ show (width, height) ++ " @ " ++ show pos
  show (Square pos width)      = "Square with edge " ++ show width ++ " @ " ++ show pos

*Main> let c1 = Circle (20,20) 5
*Main> draw c1
 Circle drawn @ (20.0,20.0) with radius 5.0
*Main> let c2 = c1 {pos = (10,10)}
*Main> draw c2
 Circle drawn @ (10.0,10.0) with radius 5.0
*Main> draw c1 -- c1 is immutable
 Circle drawn @ (20.0,20.0) with radius 5.0
*Main> area c1

但是,如果您想创建一个可扩展的数据类型,那么最好定义一个 Shape class 并将形状定义为从 [=14= 继承方法的单独数据类型] class。一个好的阅读可能是这个 SO answer.