在 boost::ireplace 中是否可以像对待基本字符一样对待特殊字符? (例如,'ź' 为 'z')

Is it possible in boost::ireplace to treat special characters like basic characters? (eg. 'ź' as 'z')

所以,我正在制作一个单词过滤器,用星号替换坏单词,但是如果使用 ąężźć 等特殊字符,单词的组合可能会很多。

如何让 boost::ireplace_all 将它们视为基本字符 aezzc?


boost::ireplace_all("żąć", "a", "*");boost::ireplace_all("zac", "a", "*");

会分别导致 ż*ćz*c 吗?

Edit/Extended 示例:

const std::set<std::string> badwords =
    "<not nice word>",
    "<another not nice word>"

void FilterBadWords(std::string& s)
    for (auto &badword : badwords)
        boost::ireplace_all(s, badword, "*");

int main()
    std::string a("hello you <not nice word> person");
    std::string b("hęlló you <nót Nićę wórd> person");
    //a equals "hello you * person"
    //b equals "hęlló you * person"
    //or as many * as the replaced string lenght, both are fine

Boost Locale 通过 ICU 支持主要排序规则:

事实证明,让它发挥作用非常棘手。基本上,使用 char 字符串你就完蛋了,因为 Boost 字符串算法对代码点一无所知,只是逐字节迭代( 和比较 )输入序列(好吧, char by char, 但这里有点混乱)。

因此,解决方案在于转换为 utf32 字符串(这对于 GCC 使用 std::wstring 是可能的,因为 wchar_t 是 32 位)。 Utf16 通常也应该 "work" 但它仍然存在我刚才概述的遍历问题,只是很少见。

现在,我创建了一个快捷的自定义 Finder 谓词:

template <typename CharT>
struct is_primcoll_equal
    is_primcoll_equal(const std::locale& Loc=std::locale()) :
        m_Loc(Loc), comp(Loc, boost::locale::collator_base::primary) {}

    template< typename T1, typename T2 >
        bool operator()(const T1& Arg1, const T2& Arg2) const {
            // TODO use `do_compare` methods on the collation itself that
            // don't construct basic_string<> instances
            return 0 == comp(std::basic_string<CharT>(1, Arg1), std::basic_string<CharT>(1, Arg2));

    std::locale m_Loc;
    boost::locale::comparator<CharT> comp;

效率极低,因为它每次调用都构造单字符字符串。这是因为 do_compare 方法不是 collator<> 的 public API 的一部分。我离开派生自定义 collator<> 并将其用作 reader.


接下来,我们通过包装 find_format_all 来模仿 replace_all 接口:

 template<typename SequenceT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
    inline void collate_replace_all( 
            SequenceT& Input,
            const Range1T& Search,
            const Range2T& Format,
            const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() )
                ::boost::algorithm::first_finder(Search, is_primcoll_equal<typename SequenceT::value_type>(Loc)),
                ::boost::algorithm::const_formatter(Format) );


void FilterBadWords(std::string& s) {
    using namespace boost::locale::conv;

    std::wstring widened = utf_to_utf<wchar_t>(s, stop);

    for (auto& badword : badwords) {
        detail::collate_replace_all(widened, badword, L"*"/*, loc*/);

    s = utf_to_utf<char>(widened, stop);


Live Broken¹ On Coliru

#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <set>
#include <string>

const std::set<std::string> badwords =
    "<not nice word>", 
    "<another not nice word>" 

namespace detail {
    template <typename CharT>
    struct is_primcoll_equal
        is_primcoll_equal(const std::locale& Loc=std::locale()) :
            m_Loc(Loc), comp(Loc, boost::locale::collator_base::primary) {}

        template< typename T1, typename T2 >
            bool operator()(const T1& Arg1, const T2& Arg2) const {
                // assert(0 == comp(L"<not nice word>", L"<nót Nićę wórd>"));
                // TODO use `do_compare` methods on the collation itself that
                // don't construct basic_string<> instances
                return 0 == comp(std::basic_string<CharT>(1, Arg1), std::basic_string<CharT>(1, Arg2));

        std::locale m_Loc;
        boost::locale::comparator<CharT> comp;

    template<typename SequenceT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline void collate_replace_all( 
                SequenceT& Input,
                const Range1T& Search,
                const Range2T& Format,
                const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() )
                    ::boost::algorithm::first_finder(Search, is_primcoll_equal<typename SequenceT::value_type>(Loc)),
                    ::boost::algorithm::const_formatter(Format) );

void FilterBadWords(std::string& s) {
    using namespace boost::locale::conv;

    std::wstring widened = utf_to_utf<wchar_t>(s, stop);

    for (auto& badword : badwords) {
        detail::collate_replace_all(widened, badword, L"*"/*, loc*/);

    s = utf_to_utf<char>(widened, stop);

static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(uint32_t), "Required for robustness (surrogate pairs, anyone?)");

int main()
    auto loc = boost::locale::generator().generate("");

    std::string a("hello you <not nice word> person");
    std::string b("hęlló you <nót Nićę wórd> person");

    std::cout << a << "\n";
    std::cout << b << "\n";



hello you * person
hęlló you * person

¹ 显然 Coliru 执行环境中的语言环境支持不完整


const std::vector<std::string> badwords = 

char PolishReplacement[0xFF];

const std::map<std::string, std::string> PolishReplacementMap =
    { "ł","l" },
    { "ą","a" },
    { "ę","e" },
    { "ć","c" },
    { "ż","z" },
    { "ź","z" },
    { "ó","o" },
    { "ś","s" },
    { "ń","n" },
    { "Ł","L" },
    { "Ą","A" },
    { "Ę","E" },
    { "Ć","C" },
    { "Ż","Z" },
    { "Ź","Z" },
    { "Ó","O" },
    { "Ś","S" },
    { "Ń","N" }

//preconstruct our array, we love speed gain by paying startup time
struct CPolishReplacementInitHack
        for (unsigned char c = 0; c < 0xFF; ++c)
            char tmpstr[2] = { c, 0 };
            std::string tmpstdstr(tmpstr);
            auto replacement = PolishReplacementMap.find(tmpstdstr);
            if (replacement == PolishReplacementMap.end())
                PolishReplacement[c] = boost::to_lower_copy(tmpstdstr)[0];
                PolishReplacement[c] = boost::to_lower_copy(replacement->second)[0];
} _CPolishReplacementInitHack;

//actual filtering
void FilterBadWords(std::string& s)
    std::string sc(s);
    for (auto& character : sc)
        character = PolishReplacement[(unsigned char)character];

    for (auto &badword : badwords)
        size_t pos = sc.find(badword);
        size_t size = badword.size();
        size_t possize;

        while (pos != std::string::npos)
            possize = pos + size;

            s.replace ( s.begin() + pos,  s.begin() + possize, "*");
            sc.replace(sc.begin() + pos, sc.begin() + possize, "*");

            pos = sc.find(badword);

这可能是不可移植的(Windows + Locale + encoding dependend?),但是 非常 快(200 毫秒/25000 个随机句子,i7,调试,没有优化)。