
When i have this command, i can't use any command

我做了这个命令,我想成为一个通用命令,但是如果我有这个命令,我得到所有命令的 "Unknown command.",我该如何解决?


我可以将 "List< string>" 更改为 "string" 并在代码中转换为 "List< string>" 吗? 如果是,我该怎么做?

    [Summary("Add a string to a list")]
    public async Task manageList(List<string> list = null, [Remainder]string name = null)
    //Code here

如果我理解正确,你可以将列表作为 "a,b,c"..

[Summary("Add a string to a list")]
public async Task manageList(string csvList = null, [Remainder]string name = null)
    var list = csvList.Split(',').ToList();
    //Code here