Facebook 营销 API:共享自定义受众

Facebook Marketing API : Sharing Custom Audiences


api 文档似乎对如何实际执行此操作非常含糊。内容如下:

Share your custom audience with business objects at '/custom-audience/share_with_objects'

有谁知道如何通过 API 做到这一点?我想你会需要 AD_ACCOUNT_ID 和 CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID 的某种能力。

供参考,上面引用的行来自这里 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/audiences-api header 建立自定义受众


我不完全确定您想做什么,但文档说明了如何创建自定义受众并与其他广告商帐户共享。Reference here。您必须在此端点 /{custom_audience_id}/adaccounts 上 POST 并指定 owner ad accountrecipient ad account。请查看文档以获取更多信息。希望这对您有所帮助。

截至 2018 年;现在可以共享自定义受众 only between Businesses(双方必须 BusinessManager

How to Share Custom Audience Lists

Both entities must have a Business Manager

Share Custom Audiences between Business Managers

Since 2018, in order to share a Custom Audience between Business Managers, such businesses should establish an audience sharing relationship as follows. You need Business Manager admin permission to request a relationship to share an audience. If two Business Managers have already established the relationship, then an advertiser can directly share the audience with the other business. See also Reference, Custom Audience and Reference, Custom Audience Shared Account Info.

虽然 marketing-api docs 有所改善,但仍然完全没有 5 分钟上手 脆度

To create a relationship, make this call, to a specific custom_audience_id:

POST https://graph.facebook.com/v7.0/{custom_audience_id}/adaccounts?adaccounts=[<ad_account_id>]&relationship_type=[<relationship_type>] 

虽然他们没有指定这是什么 relationship_type,但我偷看了他们的 java-business-sdk and found this

public static enum EnumRelationshipType {