如何让 class 添加到我的绘画功能中?

How can I let a class add onto my paint function?

我知道这句话措辞不好,但我不知道怎么说才好。本质上我有自己的 JComponent MyComponent 并且它在其图形上绘制了一些东西。我想让它绘制它的东西,然后调用一个方法来完成绘制,这里是一个例子:

public class MyComponent extends JComponent{
    // etc
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        g2.drawSomething(); // etc

        // Once it is done, check if that function is exists, and call it.
        if(secondaryPaint != null){

然后,在另一个 class 中:

// etc
MyComponent mc = new MyComponent()

// etc

private void paint(Graphics2D g2){

我不确定 lambda 是如何工作的,或者它们是否适用于这种情况,但也许吧?

没有 lambda,但 Function 接口可以工作


public class MyComponent extends JComponent{
    // etc
    Function<Graphics2D, Void> secondaryPaint;
    public MyComponent(Function<Graphics2D, Void> myfc){
        secondaryPaint = myfc;

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        //g2.drawSomething(); // etc

        // Once it is done, check if that function is exists, and call it.
        if(secondaryPaint != null){

    static class Something {
        public static Void compute(Graphics2D g){
            return null;

        public Void computeNotStatic(Graphics2D g){
            return null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Something smth = new Something();
        new MyComponent(Something::compute); // with static
        new MyComponent(smth::computeNotStatic); // with non-static