
What programming language has the specific purpose of testing concurrent algorithms?

我的一位同事编写了一个程序,证明在测试算法后不会满足某些条件 运行 多个并发线程试图找到可能触发不需要条件的序列。他使用了一种为此目的而设计的计算机语言,但我记不起它的名字了。服务于此特定目的的语言是什么?

Spin is a popular open-source software verification tool, used by thousands of people worldwide. The tool can be used for the formal verification of multi-threaded software applications. The tool was developed at Bell Labs in the Unix group of the Computing Sciences Research Center, starting in 1980. The software has been available freely since 1991, and continues to evolve to keep pace with new developments. In April 2002 the tool was awarded the ACM System Software Award.
