Apache commons 数学 3:构建模型时总是出现 UnboundedSolutionException
Apache commons math 3: always getting UnboundedSolutionException when constructing a model
我想用 apache 的 commons math 3 解决以下模型:
maximize: 30x + 40y
s.t. x+y <= 240; 2x+y <= 320; x,y>=0;
// objective f = 30x + 40y + 0
LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(new double[] { 30, 40},0);
List<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList();
// x + y <= 240
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(new double[] {1, 1}, Relationship.LEQ, 240));
// x + y <= 320
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(new double[] {2, 1}, Relationship.LEQ, 320));
// x,y >=0
NonNegativeConstraint nonNegativeConstraint = new NonNegativeConstraint(false);
LinearConstraintSet constraintSet = new LinearConstraintSet(constraints);
SimplexSolver linearOptimizer = new SimplexSolver();
// put everything together in order to get a maximization problem
// in the next line i receive org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.UnboundedSolutionException: unbounded solution
PointValuePair solution = linearOptimizer.optimize(f, constraintSet, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, nonNegativeConstraint);
if (solution != null) {
//get solution
double max = solution.getValue();
System.out.println("Opt: " + max);
但是每次调用 linearOptimizer.optimize
public class UnboundedSolutionException extends
MathIllegalStateException This class represents exceptions thrown by
optimizers when a solution escapes to infinity.
但我已经用 LPSolve 的 GUI 解决了这个优化问题,它给了我解决方案
x=0; y=240; f(x,y)=9600
1) 知道吗,我做错了什么?
2) 我已阅读 this post, which is 4 years ago and was written with the commons math library (not , math3). Is there now a possibility to say, that some decision variables should be integer, binary etc.? Otherwise i would programm the Branch and Bound -appoach 手动实现。
public NonNegativeConstraint(boolean restricted)
restricted - If true, all the variables must be positive.
NonNegativeConstraint nonNegativeConstraint = new NegativeConstraint(false);
您错误地配置了 NonNegativeConstraint,如果您希望 x,y 都为正数,您应该将 "true" 传递给它的构造函数
我想用 apache 的 commons math 3 解决以下模型:
maximize: 30x + 40y
s.t. x+y <= 240; 2x+y <= 320; x,y>=0;
// objective f = 30x + 40y + 0
LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(new double[] { 30, 40},0);
List<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList();
// x + y <= 240
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(new double[] {1, 1}, Relationship.LEQ, 240));
// x + y <= 320
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(new double[] {2, 1}, Relationship.LEQ, 320));
// x,y >=0
NonNegativeConstraint nonNegativeConstraint = new NonNegativeConstraint(false);
LinearConstraintSet constraintSet = new LinearConstraintSet(constraints);
SimplexSolver linearOptimizer = new SimplexSolver();
// put everything together in order to get a maximization problem
// in the next line i receive org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.UnboundedSolutionException: unbounded solution
PointValuePair solution = linearOptimizer.optimize(f, constraintSet, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, nonNegativeConstraint);
if (solution != null) {
//get solution
double max = solution.getValue();
System.out.println("Opt: " + max);
但是每次调用 linearOptimizer.optimize
public class UnboundedSolutionException extends MathIllegalStateException This class represents exceptions thrown by optimizers when a solution escapes to infinity.
但我已经用 LPSolve 的 GUI 解决了这个优化问题,它给了我解决方案
x=0; y=240; f(x,y)=9600
1) 知道吗,我做错了什么?
2) 我已阅读 this post, which is 4 years ago and was written with the commons math library (not , math3). Is there now a possibility to say, that some decision variables should be integer, binary etc.? Otherwise i would programm the Branch and Bound -appoach 手动实现。
public NonNegativeConstraint(boolean restricted)
restricted - If true, all the variables must be positive.
NonNegativeConstraint nonNegativeConstraint = new NegativeConstraint(false);
您错误地配置了 NonNegativeConstraint,如果您希望 x,y 都为正数,您应该将 "true" 传递给它的构造函数