卓: 和 ::/0 是什么意思?

AWS: What does and ::/0 mean?


The default route in Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is designated as the zero-address in CIDR notation, often called the quad-zero route. The subnet mask is given as /0, which effectively specifies all networks, and is the shortest match possible.

另一个用于 IPv6

来源Default Route

AWS 文档

Security Groups for Your VPC

A security group acts as a virtual firewall for your instance to control inbound and outbound traffic. When you launch an instance in a VPC, you can assign the instance to up to five security groups. Security groups act at the instance level, not the subnet level. Therefore, each instance in a subnet in your VPC could be assigned to a different set of security groups. If you don't specify a particular group at launch time, the instance is automatically assigned to the default security group for the VPC.

For each security group, you add rules that control the inbound traffic to instances, and a separate set of rules that control the outbound traffic.

您的 VPC 的默认安全组

Your VPC automatically comes with a default security group. Each EC2 instance that you launch in your VPC is automatically associated with the default security group if you don't specify a different security group when you launch the instance.

The following table describes the default rules for a default security group.


Source      The security group ID (sg-xxxxxxxx)
Protocol    All
Port Range  All
Comments    Allow inbound traffic from instances assigned to the same security group.


Protocol    All
Port Range  All
Comments    Allow all outbound IPv4 traffic.

Destination ::/0    
Protocol    All     
Port Range  All     
Comments    Allow all outbound IPv6 traffic. This rule is added by default if you create a VPC with an IPv6 CIDR block or if you associate an IPv6 CIDR block with your existing VPC.

Recommended Network ACL Rules for Your VPC,::/0 - 表示源可以是任何 ip 地址,表示接受来自任何系统的请求, 表示 ipv4,::/0 表示 ipv6。要了解 CIDR(无类 Inter-Domain 路由)表示,请观看此视频 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xsmbe5s6j0 指所有 IPv4 地址,::/0 指所有 IPv6 地址。 表示来自 local system 或来自 anywhere 的任何 IP internet 可以访问。

路由table中指定的already相比everything else其他

当我们添加 /0 用于 IPv4::/0 用于 IPv6 被称为 CIDR

回到您的 AWS 部分,当您定义 or ::/0 时,这意味着所有 IPv4IPv6 范围分别可以访问您的 AWS 服务。

IPv4 的范围来自 to where as IPv6 have 2^128 个地址。

一个IP地址是由32位组成的,斜线就是告诉你有多少位用来标识网段,剩下的位用来标识主机。例如, 告诉您 8 位用于网络,24 位用于主机,因此您可能有 16777214 个可能的 IP 来自 255 网络。

在符号 的情况下,这意味着您不使用任何网络标识符,因此您拥有完整的 32 位 IP,这意味着所有可能的 IP,这意味着允许所有请求。