如何在 Shiny 中保存传单地图

How to save a leaflet map in Shiny

根据 的问题,我希望将传单地图保存并下载为 png 或 jpeg 图像。我有以下代码,但我一直收到错误。

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>% 

  output$dl <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "map.png",

    content = function(file) {
      mapshot(input[["map"]], file = file)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


Warning: Error in system.file: 'package' must be of length 1
Stack trace (innermost first):
    65: system.file
    64: readLines
    63: paste
    62: yaml.load
    61: yaml::yaml.load_file
    60: getDependency
    59: widget_dependencies
    58: htmltools::attachDependencies
    57: toHTML
    56: <Anonymous>
    55: do.call
    54: mapshot
    53: download$func [#11]
     4: <Anonymous>
     3: do.call
     2: print.shiny.appobj
     1: <Promise>
Error : 'package' must be of length 1

如果你能告诉我如何使它与 leafletProxy 一起工作,加分加分。


  server <- function(input, output, session) {

    map <- reactiveValues(dat = 0)

      output$map <- renderLeaflet({
        map$dat <- leaflet() %>% 

      output$dl <- downloadHandler(
        filename = "map.png",

        content = function(file) {
          mapshot(map$dat, file = file)


'leaflet' maps are interactive, the leaflet object being used in mapview::mapshot() function must also be interactive. Accounting for this allows for the user to save their version of a leaflet map within the Shiny app.

# install necessary packages
install.packages( c( "shiny", "leaflet", "mapview" ) )

# load necessary packages
library( shiny )
library( leaflet )
library( mapview )

ui <- fluidPage(
  leafletOutput( outputId = "map"),
  downloadButton( outputId = "dl")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Create foundational leaflet map
  # and store it as a reactive expression
  foundational.map <- reactive({
    leaflet() %>% # create a leaflet map widget
      addTiles( urlTemplate = "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/base/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" ) # specify provider tile and type
  }) # end of foundational.map()
  # render foundational leaflet map
  output$map <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
    # call reactive map
  }) # end of render leaflet
  # store the current user-created version
  # of the Leaflet map for download in 
  # a reactive expression
  user.created.map <- reactive({
    # call the foundational Leaflet map
    foundational.map() %>%
      # store the view based on UI
      setView( lng = input$map_center$lng
               ,  lat = input$map_center$lat
               , zoom = input$map_zoom
  }) # end of creating user.created.map()
  # create the output file name
  # and specify how the download button will take
  # a screenshot - using the mapview::mapshot() function
  # and save as a PDF
  output$dl <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0( Sys.Date()
                       , "_customLeafletmap"
                       , ".pdf"
    , content = function(file) {
      mapshot( x = user.created.map()
               , file = file
               , cliprect = "viewport" # the clipping rectangle matches the height & width from the viewing port
               , selfcontained = FALSE # when this was not specified, the function for produced a PDF of two pages: one of the leaflet map, the other a blank page.
    } # end of content() function
  ) # end of downloadHandler() function
} # end of server

# run the Shiny app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

# end of script #


运行 Shiny 应用程序后,在新 window 中打开该应用程序。

进入浏览器后,继续并单击 Download。大约用了 ~3 秒。

单击 Download 后,您会立即在计算机上存储下载文件的任何位置看到一个 PDF 文件。


我的想法 sp运行g 来自以下帖子:

  • Save leaflet map in Shiny

  • Input/Events - Leaflet for R

  • 感谢@blondeclover,使用setView()时无需存储传单地图的bounds。相反,在使用 setView().

    时只需使用 input$MAPID_center$lnginput$MAPID_center$lat
    • 要了解有关其他传单输入的更多信息,请参阅